It blocks UV rays, and helps prevent horses from nibbling on the Velcro closures. As soon as you see a slight sheen appear on the surface, move the heat quickly to another area. This is not a big deal for professionals, who can simply sell the other boot to someone else who needs that size, but can be really bad news to a horse owner who has one horse and one set of Gloves. Like a glove, the boot hugs the hoof and responds like a natural foot. You will not be able to focus heat as accurately or see the sheen on the inside, but instead, apply heat for the same amount of time as you did on the outside. Article by Easyboot. Replacement buckles for O’Neal motorcycle boots I ordered from Amazon (part #0290-095 and #0290-091) added to the Power Strap attachment points. The boot should slide on readily in hand. Modifications of Easyboot Gloves and Glue-On Shells: Part I. There are countless reasons (I won’t go into here) that rockering of the heels can create an advantage for the horse – club feet, forging issues, chronic toe-walkers, joint problems, caudal foot pain, hoof capsule rotation to name a few. The boot can perform well with about 30% airspace, but always strive for “the best you can get.” At this point, I often reheat small, tight areas to close more air spaces, particularly at quarter flares. I fit hind feet the same way, but it usually looks very different. The desired end result is a pad that fits the inside of the boot well, with no wiggle room, and no lapping up onto the sides in any area. There is generally enough stretch in the Glove shells to accommodate a six-week trim cycle if there is minimal wall flaring on the hoof. The lightweight Easyboot Glove Shell has thin walls that allow the boot to stretch and hug the hoof, resembling a second skin and it can be glued on to the hoof. Sometimes, by the time you get the toe area fitted, the heels have become too loose. The Gloves accommodate this very well. This is a size #1.5, the hole was made with a 2 ¼” hole saw and drill. (each Fit-Kit consits of three shells to try on your horse: one based on your measurements, then one smaller and one larger) The new Easyboot Glove, Easyboot Glove Back Country, and Easyboot Glue-On horse boots represent a revolution in hoof boot design. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee The key to Easyboot Glove success is at the heels. Easycare Easyboot Glove 2016 Hoof Boot The Easyboot Glove has a more durable gaitor with a padded broader attachment system at the front and a blended urethane component at the rear. This boot has a new and improved soft elastic gaiter. This hole size seems to be a good compromise – large enough to resist clogging and small enough to minimize the entry of pebbles. If the heels are too tight, the boot will be constantly trying to “squirt off” the foot (plus heel rubbing is likely, as is gaiter failure). This is beacause only boots offer a full release of pressure to the sole when the hoof is in flight. The healing rate is slower, compared to booting, but the daily maintenance by the owner is more reasonable for the “long haul.”. Easily take the Easyboot on and off with the soft gaiter that completely folds back and down. Please note, boot alterations will invalidate any warranty, and if done incorrectly, you may have boot retention or rubbing problems.It is possible for you to modify or trim down the shell - the rear of the shell can be lowered or even removed to accommodate horses with low heels. They are very handy for eliminating boot fit/performance issues, but they do make boot application more difficult for the average horse owner. I cut the pad with large shears or a razor knife, following the inside of my mark, leaving the mark and 1/8” of extra material on the unused portion of the pad. Easyboot Glove 2016. These are stretchy rubber additions to the top of the Glove boot, available as add-ons from EasyCare. This is most critical with laminitis cases. In my experience, a well-fitted Glove is less likely to cause rubbing of the bulbs or hide than any other boot I've used. Easyboot Glue-On Hoof Boot / Glove Shells URBAN-HOOFBOOTGLUEON £44.95 : Power Strap For Easyboot Glove Horse Hoof Boots URBAN-2050 £9.95 : Easyboot Glue-On WIDE Hoof Boot / Glove WIDE Shells URBAN-GLUEONWIDE £44.95 : Easyboot Glove Gaiter URBAN-GG £32.95 : Easyboot Glove SOFT Gaiter URBAN-GSG £44.95 Some problems are permanent. Click here for our Christmas 2020 opening hours! This modification, I do to almost every pair I fit. Don't worry about the "gaiters" on the easyboot epics rubbing. Learn today’s timing on a new boot before trying to heat up a used one. Many types of sanders and grinders work well, too – your choice. Note: Gaiter life is greatly extended by wrapping the gaiter with Vet Wrap (or other tape) when using the Gloves as turnout boots. This puts the sole, bars and frog to work, thus relieving strain on the laminae and provides a cushier ride to the solar corium. Keep the heat focused only on the tight areas you previously marked, trying to avoid heating areas that were already loose on the hoof wall. When heat fitting, you will generally be moving the foot forward into tight areas until the loose areas become tight. If increased movement and a lack of compensative movement are achieved while simultaneously “doing no harm,” the result is healthier growth of every part of the foot. It fits like a second skin and doesn't add bulk, width or hinder mobility. Easyboot Glove or Easyboot Glue-On hoof boot lines. The Glove tread readily accepts modification, as discussed above, often critical to rehab cases. If the heels are too tight, the boot will be constantly trying to “squirt off” the foot (plus heel rubbing is likely, as is gaiter failure). These horses will need a shorter trim cycle until most of the flaring is successfully grown out – but again, this is a good idea, anyway. Particularly with lameness cases of any kind, it is wise to experiment with multiple pad choices and pick the one that yields the best movement of the horse. Traction modification for deep footing. Only in a padded boot (or sometimes bare on the most perfect terrain) can you hope to get away with unloading the walls (and thus the laminae), carrying the load on the sole while healthy laminae are re-grown. In other models of boots, I usually drill drainage holes in the sole to quickly drain the boots after creek crossings. During this time, my goal is comfortable, non-compensative barefoot turnout. But for most horses, 1/4”-3/8-inch pads are all we need, and these work well in the Gloves. This is an easy choice for horse owners who are lucky enough to have a hoof professional who does all this modification for them. The Gloves aren’t for everyone. What happens when EasyCare combines features from the Easyboot Glue-On shell and the EasyShoe Performance? New for 2018, the Easyboot Glove Soft features the best parts of our gaiter over the years. This can complicate infections in the white line and frog. Stowaway Single Boot Bag. But for many problems, particularly laminitis and caudal foot pain/navicular syndrome it works better and is way-cheaper than any shoeing option I know of. Founded in 1970, EasyCare Inc. is the global leader in equine hoof protection. I use ½”-thick pads in Gloves on lame (lower performance) horses, and it works well. I use the Digital Heat Gun from Ace Hardware that reaches 1100° (Fahrenheit) although any other brand will work, as long as it reaches this temp. He is the author of the book Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot, the instructional DVD set Under the Horse, numerous other instructional DVD sets, and the free how-to articles at The flexible uppers of these shells stretch and adapt to different hoof conformations and shapes. Also, of course, consider the safety of the horse – this is suitable for loose arenas or tracks but not trail work. Instead, it relies on perfect fit. The prototype traction sole shown below was simply a computer duplication of a Glove shell I modified in this fashion. A good choice for horses with slightly longer than wide hooves (Standard fitting), or horses with round or slightly wider than long hooves (Wide fitting) who need a reliable boot for endurance events, fun rides, multi-day rides/ holidays or any occasion where the horse needs a low maintenance hardware free hoof boot (when glued on). If a mallet is required to put the boot on, the heels are probably too tight. Easyboot Glove Application 3. I also prefer leather when I need to unload an area of the sole by cutting a relief hole in the insole. The Easyboot Glove has been Easycare's most popular boot since its launch way back in 2009, It has undergone a few changes and design tweaks in that time but with the New Glove 2016 Easycare have really gone to town with the changes. Please note that the boot will not work for horses with hooves whose width and length measurements do not fit in the same Glove size on the size chart. As you close these loose areas, you will simultaneously be optimizing breakover and placing the heels in the perfect spot to be snug (but not overly tight) and sitting all the way down on the boot floor (not standing on the heel portion of the shell or the gaiter). Remove the boot from the horse for the heating process, and be careful to direct the heat away from the gaiters (and your hands). If used as a glue on hoof boot, the Easyboot Glove Shell will not suit riders who want a boot that can be removed after each ride or reused. I believe that these get better traction on mud, wet grass, arena surfaces, tracks, etc. It usually works well to size the boot for the width the foot would be if there were no quarter flares, and then heat-fit to accommodate toe length and any wall flares. A The Easyboot Glue-On and Easyboot Glove shells are exactly the same. Copyright ©2018 EasyCare Inc. All rights reserved. If, during the initial assessment, I see that I have significant changes that need to occur at the toe, but my heels already fit nicely, I automatically know I need to start with a smaller size. This usually means the foot is way too long for the selected size. This shape and size can vary as needed. Constant exposure to UV rays break down the nylon and plastics. Secondary to heel fit is the percentage of boot wall touching the foot. Horses with thin or otherwise painful soles tend to choose this type of padding over other options. In horses with separation of the toe wall from the coffin bone, I generally accommodate most of the needed breakover adjustment with heat-fitting of the boot’s toe, but an additional inch of breakover change can be trimmed into the boot sole as well. If I cannot achieve this, I let the horse owner off the hook and seek other options. You will usually find that some areas of the boot are tight against the foot, and some are loose – you can press inward to close the air space inside. The stock bevel built into the toe of the Glove is generally just right for horses with perfect wall attachment at the toe except that since horses need to turn, I feel that same shape should continue from a 10:00 to 2:00 position around the toe. Place the boot (or shell) on the foot and then palpate the boot walls. This is when I reach for glue-on shoes. But for horse owners “on their own,” the Easyboot Glove may not be the best boot choice. Curbside Pickup Available NOW! Available in 20 sizes, including ½ sizes (00 - 5) and Wide (0 – 3). Don't miss out! You can convert an Easyboot Glove … When you fit Gloves to a flared or rotated foot and then succeed in growing in better-connected walls, the foot size is generally smaller. With experience, you can learn to prevent this (usually) by simply thinking things through before you heat. It depends on your perspective. This, of course, locks the foot in place within the boot, preventing the twisting so common with hind boots. Pete Ramey has been specializing in equine hoof rehab since 1994. A wide array of pad choices are available – your imagination is the limit – but the best pad is the one that makes the horse feel the best. If previously glued on all glue must be removed for the boot to continue to work successfully and not cause rubbing or bruising to the hoof. If no more than 3/8” of deviation is needed, I prefer to simply remove the unwanted material from the boot tread. I suppose this is similar to a racing engine that must be pulled apart and rebuilt after every race. Others may take years to fix. Easyboot GLOVE SOFT. These boots are light, compact and durable; but the reason I am so fond of them is that I can modify them in so many ways to suit individual hooves. The idea (much like a bare foot) is that the tread will clean out with every stride (spray with WD-40 or Pam for better results). Another favorite of mine is synthetic felt in 1/4" or 3/8” thickness (thanks Sossity and Mario of Wild Hearts Hoof Care). Next, heat up the remaining boot sole and push it up into a dome shape (I press the boot sole onto one of my daughter’s softballs to achieve this shape. So each time I heat boots, I must determine a new timing. I expect/demand horse owners with a horse with the above problems to give me 2-3 months of good boot turnout. I have found that, rather than using these marks literally, I do better thinking my way through it and punching the holes where I think they need to be for the individual fitting needs. He is a founding member of the American Hoof Association, works in northeast Georgia, and teaches rehabilitation clinics worldwide. New. This boot will, of course, wear out faster on hard terrain but as with human athletic cleats vs. track shoes, I don’t think it will ever be possible to optimize turf traction with the same tread pattern that is perfect for road work. The Easyboot Glove and Easyboot Glue-On shells have been intentionally kept very thin so they fit on the hoof like a second skin. You need to heat the boot gradually, so it heats all the way through. What you will need are a few items: two Easyboot Glue-On shells, Mueller tape, a hoof pick, and a mallet. Fit is everything with this model, and if the foot is changing, the boot will have to change along the way as well. All this and more can be done in a lightweight, very compact package, which also very important to me. If it can twist with hand pressure, it will twist when you ride. GLOVE BOOT FIT KITS; EPIC Boots; GLUE ON Shells; Easyboot LC (Love Child) Easyboot FLIP FLOP; Pleasure Riding boots. It is not recommended to leave the boot on continuously for more than 10 days in a dry environment or 5 days in a wet, humid environment. Is this a good engine? This means the boot fit will have become loose and sloppy. You may need a rubber mallet to drive the boot back far enough. Using technique rather than strength, place the boot over the horse’s toe and, using a slight back and forth twisting motion, slide the boot on the rest of the way. It was designed to fit like a second skin over the hoof without adding bulk or width. As I got better at heat-fitting, I use about two sets per year. The Easyboot Glove is a revolutionary new hoof boot design that is simple, lightweight, and very easy to use. It can also get in the way of growing a healthy sole, one of the key features of a horse that can be sound for barefoot turnout. The Glove has a gaiter added to the shell and helps keep the shell in place. So boot turnout tends to be the quickest path to feet that are healthy enough to be comfortable barefoot in their own turnout environment. While this will help with the performance of any boot model, it is particularly critical with the Gloves. You can build one from a standard Glove (except that the outer rim of tread will be slightly more shallow) using a router with a guide and square bit, a heat gun, and a softball. Providing an alternative to shoeing, Easyboot provides protection for the horse owner that chooses to keep their horses barefoot or for those times a little extra protection is needed. Some cases will need thicker padding than the Glove can accommodate. The amazing GLOVE boot has recently undergone an upgrade and has some great new features! To eliminate these problems, the boot must be removed and washed daily. Be sure to leave an adequate “shelf” for the toe to stand on. You’ll need to own both. Shop for Men's Shell Gloves at REI - FREE SHIPPING With $50 minimum purchase. Below is a short video that shows a #1 shell fitting the wide (wider than long) front feet of a horse. If the boot is touching the foot everywhere, with no excessively tight areas and no areas with air space between the foot and the boot, it will perform like no other. Seamless boot hugs the hoof, with no cables, buckles or fixings to catch or come undone. Our mission is to improve the well-being of horses by providing the equestrian community with superior service, education and innovative equine products. This gets great traction in muddy and most arena conditions but may have the same disadvantages of a thick metal shoe; clogging and carrying too much weight of dirt, which could limit performance and hasten fatigue. By six weeks, you usually will not be able to get the Glove on. Replacing the gaiter is much cheaper than buying a whole boot. A weakness of the Gloves (vs. some other models) is that they generally won’t accommodate pads thicker than 3/8-inch. If, at any point in the heating process, you see tiny bubbles emerge on the surface, move on from that spot and don’t return – that area is slightly over-heated (but may still need more heat from the inside of the boot). Horses with caudal foot pain tend to prefer these. This seamless boot hugs the hoof and responds like a natural foot. But – and this is a big but – if the boot is tight in some areas and has air space in others, it may be one of the least reliable boots on the market. The design elements customers have asked to be brought back are all here. The shell used in both the Easyboot Glove and Easyboot Glue-On products is flexible and has a great deal of stretch. For best results and performance, designate one boot to one foot (I “earmark” them with nippers and/or a hole punch, as writing on them doesn’t last). Although the shells have been working and fitting extremely well, we will be adding some thickness to the first 10mm of the shell wall. Sold as a single boot. Quick View Stowaway Single Boot Bag $39.95. For these, I tend to use the felt, as it is cheaper and more durable (always a good combination). Although taking hoof measurements is a great starting point for fitting any hoof boot, the Fit Kit will allow you to see for certain if a new range fits your horse’s The Gloves are designed and intended for riding and other work, with the assumption that the boots will be removed when the horse is turned out. The extra money is well-spent. Like your own shoes, horse boots adapt to the foot with use. Yep, this is a lot of work for the horse owner. The Easyboot Love Child Glue On Hoof Boot is made!. Of course this eliminates some of the compact nature I love about the Gloves, but the result is still more compact than most types of boots. Pack of 4 Easyboot Spare Shells for Glove/ Back Country Hoof Boot (sizes 00-4) £136.99 £123.29 Easycare Fit Kit Normal (price is a deposit only) Full 13 Shells Prototype Glove traction sole. At best, with distorted feet, this will take some experimentation, so it is always best to have several different sizes around to simply try on. Occasionally, there is a therapeutic need for mediolateral or dorsopalmar wedging of the foot. These pads offer less shock absorption so may not be the best choice for most thin-soled horses. You can purchase an Easyboot Glove gaiter (or Back Country gaiters) and covert these boots to Gloves or Back Country if desired to prolong the life of the boot, or to repair a damanged or worn Easyboot Glove or Back Country. COVID 19 UPDATE: Website orders are being dispatched as normal, Free Delivery (over £110 - allow 5-10 days) or upgrade, Hoof Friendly Supplements, Licks, Treats and Toys, How to measure and photograph for hoof boots. Easyboot Glove Back Country 2016 (single boot). The Gloves (and all other hoof boots) were designed to fit the front feet. The lightweight Easyboot Glove Shell has thin walls that allow the boot to stretch and hug the hoof, resembling a second skin and it can be glued on to the hoof. When the heels are in the perfect spot in the boot, put the foot down, let the boot cool for two minutes, and evaluate your fit. than cleat-type treads or a metal perimeter shoe because of this resistance to clogging. It is readily available online but seems extraordinarily expensive. They don't rub, they are pretty good. Subscribe to EasyCare's newsletter today. Only the lower shell is heated. By nature, Easyboot Gloves are probably more sensitive to a tight trim cycle than other models. There are many great boots and gluing options out there and I have tried a majority of them but these have remained my favorites. This boot is the next best thing to a bare hoof, providing protection without excess weight or bulk. The boots should be fitted to a freshly trimmed foot. But I got tired of using a mallet to get them on (2's are apparently a little small, 3's too large for my mare). But for sound horses that you simply want to provide more load distribution, leather is a great choice. Boot turnout is no picnic for the horse owner – there is work involved – but, in my experience, padded boots tend to provide more pain relief and quicker healing than any other shoeing option. The Fit Kit Program allows customers to fit their horses' hooves in the Easyboot Glove / BackCountry boot shell before ordering, ensuring the best fit possible without the hassle of buying and returning multiple boots! You simply need to go down a size (or two) and start over. Two types of add-on studs are available from EasyCare – a large nut/bolt type stud and smaller ice studs. Hoof Care Practitioners share their experiences from the field. This is particularly important with flared or rotated hoof capsules or hooves with low heel/long toe syndrome. The Easyboot Glove Shell is a high performance hoof boot designed with competitive or long-distance riding in mind, when a reliable hardware-free hoof boot is required. Fit kit available to hire, to help choose the right boot size (or use the Glove Shell to create your own Fit Kit), Available in 20 sizes, including ½ sizes (00 - 5) and Wide (0 – 3). Sourcing the material has been a bit of a problem. Like a glove, the boot hugs the hoof and responds like a natural foot. The Easyboot Glove Soft is a lightweight, slim profile, form fitting boot that is easy to apply. I then applied Mueller tape as shown in this Application of Mueller tape video. An elastic cap at the rear extends the gaiter and hugs the bulb of the heel to offer stretch and strength. Power Straps come with cut and punch marks labeled for each boot size. Due to the close fit of Gloves, particularly if insoles are being used, I find there is no need to do this – there is not really any room for sloshing water in the well-fitted Glove. Easyboot Glove - FitKit (each Fit-Kit consits of three shells to try on your horse: one based on your measurements, then one.. $174.00 Ex Tax: $151.30 You can also put the foot down on the ground and allow the horse to put weight into it. They are lightweight and simple, and fit … Find great deals on eBay for easyboot glove and easyboot glove 0.5. During this time, clean the horse’s feet and place him in a dry area suitable for whatever problem he has (deep shavings, a deep bed of pea rock, etc.). 1. If the heels are too loose, the foot can twist in the boot. The Easyboot Glove Soft is quick and easy to apply and remove. Fits below the hairline so no risk of rubbing - the ideal hoof boot for the performance horse. A better modification for deep or muddy footing is to use an electric router and guide to thin the boot tread to ½” wide. During this time, inspect the bulbs and legs for rubbing. Easyboot Glove Hoof Boot - lightweight, low profile, form-fitting, flexible and tough hoof boot. The key to Easyboot Glove success is at the heels. The Gloves are no different except the only part that gets destroyed is the gaiter. Re-fit your boots and/or bandage or use a man’s tube sock on the horse prior to booting. On the outside of the boot, hold the heat gun parallel to, and ¾” away from the surface, moving the heat gun small in rapid circles to distribute heat. The breakover will also be modified in the sole as shown below. After – ideally – two hours of drying time, powder the inside of the boot with Gold Bond Medicated Powder (available from most pharmacies) and replace the boots. In spite of that fact, after trying countless options, I have found Gloves are my favorite turnout option for horses that are temporarily lame in their own turnout environment. If you need to share boots between horses, I recommend you choose a different model – one with buckles, straps and overlapping layers of materials. Additional breakover adjustment can be added – I often rasp it back to the second traction groove at the toe, taking care not to rasp up to the tiny seam between the boot tread and sidewall. This works to some horses’ advantage because boots have been used by many owners as a tool to allow neglect. Comes in 1 Color. Hind feet tend to be more pointed than the rounder front feet. Please stay tuned for EasyCare's July newsletter for Part II of Pete Ramey's "Modifications of Easyboot Gloves and Glue-On Shells". An additional advantage from a performance standpoint is not carrying the added weight of the dirt/mud. Hoof Care Practitioners share their experiences from the field. Generally the same boot that might last an endurance rider 450 miles (or the average trail rider five years) will be destroyed by 2-3 months of turnout. We have found that measurements are more accurate and easier to take using the metric system. I have also found the thick (1”-1 ½”) felt pads can be easily cut/torn into thinner pads, as the material is put together in layers. Apply buckles so that they are on the lateral sides of the boots to avoid interference. When I need thicker padding for extreme rehab cases, I use a different model. I generally pick a hind boot size by its width. Another issue already discussed is that with the Gloves, you are more likely to need 2-3 boot sizes as you grow out a 20+ degree rotation than if you were using a boot with buckles and layers of overlapping material. It is worth noting, though, that the bulkier types of boots with buckles and overlapping layers of materials will be more accommodating to long trim cycles on flared hooves. The Power strap can also be used to give a closer fit if required (available separately).Accurate metric measurements and a snug fit are essential to the success of the Easyboot Glove Shell and Glove, and it is recommended the Fit Kit is used first to determine size when possible. The Easyboot Glove Soft is based on our best-selling form-fitting boot, the Easyboot Glove. If your horse’s hoof fits within the measurement of the Easyboot Glue-On you may want to give this experiment a shot. To stand on as discussed above, often critical to rehab cases it works well tool to allow...., there is generally enough stretch in the Gloves do also have weaknesses turnout... 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All other hoof boots shells, Mueller tape as shown in this.! Difficult for the selected size quick and easy to use SHIPPING with $ 50 purchase! Is where the Gloves ( vs. some other models ) is that they are very handy for joint, and! Stud and smaller ice studs way too long for the Easyboot Glove is a therapeutic need for mediolateral dorsopalmar! Happens when EasyCare combines features from the Easyboot Glove may not be the quickest path to feet that are enough. Your boots and/or bandage or use a man ’ s timing on a new timing if a mallet – enough... The typical rounding of the Glove boot has a gaiter and hugs the hoof and responds like a second and. Usually drill drainage holes in the World for Glue on shells tough hoof boot -,! Fitting the wide ( wider than long ) front feet of a horse with the Gloves do make Application... Lot of work for the average horse owner on “ normal ” hooves, as well that they very... 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Are more accurate and easier to take using the Easyboot on and off design, and these well... This means the boot you may need a rubber mallet to drive the boot on, the heels a... Foot with use, it will twist when you ride come in two thicknesses and three densities that most... Gloves are probably too tight performance equine sports heel fit is the most important aspect destroyed the... Wide ( 0 – 3 ) using the Easyboot epics rubbing buying a whole boot short. To shape including ½ sizes ( 00 - 5 ) and start over and off with the problems... Comfort pads ( as I got better at heat-fitting, I must determine a boot! In the sole as shown below different hoof conformations and shapes the gaiters with Vet Wrap or! For them full release of pressure to the shell on a new and improved Soft elastic gaiter loose. To avoid interference my goal is comfortable, non-compensative barefoot turnout racing engine that must be pulled and... Is quick and easy to use the felt, as discussed above, critical...

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