Her tiny little voice cracked as she yelled: “Die, smile die!” It took everything I had not to bust out laughing. Well, recruit can’t sh^t we’ll call him gets the smart idea that he’s going to play his new trump card as long as possible. Go make it happen!” I’d watch with great glee at what would happen next. "Everyone was silent. Drill Sergeant youtube. But sometimes, when people actually do exactly what they say… some seriously hilarious things can happen. My dad was a company commander, the navy’s drill sergeants. Navy boot camp. ... #15 Funny Tree. He cried, saying, “I can’t!” A drill sergeant came over and after yelling at him about how all he’d ever done in his life was eat Cheetos, he told him that he had better never hear the words “I … But joining the military is serious business. It made a loud crack sound he got himself good. He had me march over the snowbank countless times, back and forth, falling down every so often while he yelled. Her tiny little voice cracks as she yelled “die, smile die!”. Currently /5 Stars. However, his reputation led the DI to believe he did. Similar Images . He barely could get it out, spitting pieces of cracker everywhere. One day during grass week a couple J Hats made them face each other and go back and forth screaming “You’re not johnson, I’m johnson!” “No! He was holding a potted plant to his side. His buddy, meanwhile, had made his way outside and was trying (poorly) to sneak into line. When I was in basic training, I saw three drill sergeants surrounding a private who was laying down. Well, our TI was trashing our bay because it was what they did and he started opening laundry bags. Drill Sergeant wife. The trainee did so. The Division Officer was so impressed at this dudes “Military Bearing” that he called the inspection right then and there. Drill Sergeant shouting 'present arms' and 'ten hut' ten; Arms; Hut; Shout; Sergeant; Drill; Military; Present; Veridiansunrise July 30th, 2012 735 downloads ... yelling; pyr0x August 6th, 2010 324 downloads 2 comments. The incident involving the drill sergeant and recruit occurred at the U.S. Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Ga. Right is simply a byproduct of this process. The female trainee stood there for a second before following through. Guy says, “You told me to beat myself!”. One recruit wanted a napkin and pointed. Sometimes, they’re BOTH! ... Our sister flight’s … Drill sergeants are serious men doing a serious job. I thought I’d fall out laughing! Just imagine: it’s the middle of the night and you’re trying to sleep, then all of a sudden you hear some shuffling and then “BEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP!” As Wu walked to the toilet to pee. I only had my boots. In prison, they get to watch TV!” The drill sergeant cracked a little bit of a smile and then told us to get up and get out of there. Some would do push-ups in front of it, some would stand at attention in front of it, but most would look around in ever increasing confusion and terror as I came storming over, yelling. While the rest of the unit was running laps around the facility, the Master Corporal took me outside and had me march to his instructions in the back parking lot. Treyon Wallace after comparing his TikTok and Facebook profile photos. Similar Images . The DI scared the recruit so much he actually took a sh^t right then and there. Before that clown can clench their other fist, … The solider froze and started crying. They made him put like, 10 saltines in his mouth and chew until his mouth was full, then ask the first recruit if he wanted a napkin again. He did this for like an hour. U.S. Coast Guard Company Commanders from Training Center Cape May drill second-class cadets at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy May 12, 2015 in New London, CT. An illustration of a cartoon angry boot camp drill sergeant character. We had two 5’1″ stocky blond guys named Johnson in our company one cycle. Share this post with your friends and then tell them your story too! As a former recruit, we were taught how to throw frag grenades. This 18 y/o kid was just in tears for getting yelled at. “WHAT’S THAT DISGUSTING STUFF ALL OVER YOUR GLASSES, MAGGOT? I rarely raised my voice. During the final inspection, I had to go down the ranks with one of the drill sergeants and inspect the soldiers one by one while they stood at attention in their class A uniforms. 1st Class Brian Hamilton) Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that the hyper-macho scumbag lands a good one and they aren’t given an impromptu tracheotomy via knife-hand. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Wear a mask, wash your hands, stay safe. Joining the military is one of the most honorable things you can do in America. At boot, it was taps out and one of the RDC’s show up and was doing a walk through. Recruit yelled back, “This soldier has made it to the top of the mountain, Drill Sergeant!”. Sgt. I had some very old school, very non-PC NCO’s in my platoon (as is, in many combat arms units). When I was doing my basic military qualifications, I had forgotten my running shoes for P.E. My buddy came in and asked how wide the bed folds needed to be. Basically a death sentence for those unfamiliar with a range. Stop trying to be right, try instead to be accurate and precise. He made him scoop tears off his face and put them in his pockets till he filled his pockets up with tears. They made him do mostly push-ups. The freshman said, six inches. What is the point of that? Cartoon funny three cats yelling on the roof at night. Subverted in The Adventures of Good Soldier Svejk in the World War I — when the protagonist is assigned an hour of rifle drill as a punishment, under supervision of Feldwebel (Sergeant-Major) Nasáklo, "the meanest tyrant in the regiment" — which he performs smartly while cheerfully chatting with the instructor, but the Sergeant-Major soon pass out and must be hospitalized with "either a sunstroke or acute brain … While I was at Paris Island I found out that my mother had Ovarian cancer had to have a full hysterectomy to remove the tumor before they could even have a chance for chemo to work. He picked up part of the stack and after about a minute, yelled, “THESE ARE ALL MEMES.” He was angry, but he couldn’t do anything but keep going. – Drill sergeant candidate, Sgt. Vector … But was hilarious. He wasn't punished or anything, and even the DS was laughing and calling him an idiot." share. I was afraid if I opened my mouth to ask a question I would start laughing so I just looked at him all mean like (which is laughable itself), sighed, and shook my head slowly in disappointment and moved onto the next soldier. This particular sergeant had a bushy mustache, so one question I had to ask was, “In what year was Magnum PI canceled?” He dropped out of view from the window laughing, came back up and yelled: “It was never canceled because I’M STILL HERE!” It took everything I had not to crack up. In it he plays a funny, wacky drill sergeant during World War II. War … Get up to 20% off. This probably happened six times until our DI caught on. There’s a lot to learn and the sergeants can be incredibly scary. My buddy had his socks in the wrong bag. See full details on the Uni Market. Even simple things like not running into the Company Commander was too difficult for him. Yelling angry monster expression. The chubby kid did not join us but instead chose to sit and finish his meal. !”, “I believe it’s your saliva, drill sergeant, sir!”. My buddy pulled out a Subway sandwich and asked, “What’s this?”. She was just a happy person in general. When on guard duty, if an unauthorized person wanted to be let into the bunks, you had to report it to your drill sergeant. There he was, standing at attention proud as can be. I remember her yelling at one guy who had … Army Times, which first reported on the video Tuesday, said it had identified the drill sergeant as Staff Sgt. In another instance, while we were having shooting practice, these two idiots were chatting, One guy said, “Hey dude, listen to this,” and he let one rip right as the DS stopped talking. In my basic training class, I was a squad leader, which is essentially just a person who does extra chores. Finally, she yells out, “This recruit doesn’t know what a seal sounds like!”. I work at basic training ranges and we had a drill sergeant yell at his soldier while they were getting ready to go down a buddy live fire exercise. Literally wipe the smile off your face with your hand!”. Drill Sergeant hat. On hikes, my DI’s loved having conversations using the recruits as messengers. Who doesn’t love Hulka? I saw a recruit doing burpees and at the top of his jump, he’d have his arms stretched out while yelling, “I’m a beautiful star!”. The chubby kid looked at the drill instructor dead in the eyes while sitting and had a completely insane look on his face. I had two guys get in a fight in our bay during basic training. As they flew in the air, we made him follow them for several hundred feet to make sure they wouldn’t come back! l had to later, very amusedly, tell my sergeants to keep their shenanigans to a minimum during formations. We gave it a funeral and everything (without honors) and had to fill in the hole. ... You had to fold the top sheet down six inches, so you can imagine all the fun she had with that. I’m deathly afraid of wasps (I ran into a wasp nest as a kid). He told a story about his time as a Drill SGT when two privates had sat down on Firewatch and were kinda just being real lackadaisical about their duties when he found them. Drill Sergeant dr. who. He said his jaw was on fire. I was going through Air Force basic training. You wait in processing for like, a day or two and then go to your drill sergeants. Not me but I had a great Team SGT who had a floater (wonky eye) that he was blind in from an injury in Iraq. Drill Sergeants Share The Funniest Thing They’ve Seen A Fresh Recruit Do. Everyone was lined up waiting for them to get dressed, and they ran down about three seconds apart from each other which was a big mistake. The drill instructor said, “If you want to look like a seal, I guess you better start barking like one.’, The girl got real quiet despite the drill instructor yelling louder and louder and eventually getting up in her face. Now, when you do these pushups, you eventually reach muscle failure so you just sort of hang out there in the front leaning for rest and trying to bust out another pushup every few seconds or so. That said, I would occasionally walk up to a private and say, “Private, you see the tree over there? He looked at his own hand for 5 seconds then hauled off and slapped himself in the face. Shop unique Drill Sergeant face masks designed and sold by independent artists. This particular sergeant had a bushy mustache so one question I had to ask was “In what year was Magnum PI cancelled?”, He dropped out of view from the window laughing, came back up and yelled ” It was never cancelled because IM STILL HERE!”. So one eye was dead on and worked fine but he had this one Uncle Rukus eye that just did its own thing. Like 3×5 glossy memes from the Wal Mart photo center. The pushups were an easy price to pay for that moment. I was in basic training for the AF and we had two separate laundry bags. Which is usually some Junior Officer puke that got assigned that job, but we didn’t know any better. Military/ex-military men, what's the funniest thing a drill sergeant has ever said? We got torched so many times for cracking up at that. The next time we had an MRE out in field week, the DI had him sit in the middle of everyone and anyone who had Skittles had to pass them forward. I imagine he was hoping I wouldn’t notice or something. The others were back inside at this point watching it happen, enjoying lunch. So for a good hour or so, they made him leap between one set of bunks, crawl under the next, then leap between the next, over and over and over. My best guess is someone stole his buttons the night before. I went to USAF basic training. Then they screamed at the first recruit to answer him, but we were all silently cracking up. I got torched. However, this guy was a genius—he puked down his t-shirt and into his dress blues, saving the District Officer from getting puked on. In the name of celebrating veterans who accomplish cool stuff, we’ve combed the Internet for some of the best drill sergeant quotes out there. While the remainder of us were down in the central training area cleaning our weapons, we heard a muffled cadence coming from two stories up. A crusty old Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event, hosted by a local liberal arts college. My dad went out and asked him what happened and he said he didn’t know how to ride a bike. There was no shortage of extremely young, idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation. Back when I was in basic training, our DI informed us that the buttons on our tops were specifically shaped so that if it was needed, a medic could grab the bottom of the top, pull up, and all the buttons would undo. My mom sent me a huge photo mailer full of memes. As she was spinning, she turned straight into our MTI and he asked her what the heck she was doing. It was hilarious. 1.1k comments. The drill sergeant saw the private trying to sneak in, “Well now hold on a second, who’s this big shot over here walking around like he owns the place? I had a bunch of trash bags. Made him get up and chase them all away, as they flew in the air we made him follow them for several hundred feet to make sure they wouldn’t come back! You had to point at what you wanted another recruit to pass, and they had to silently pass it. Along the way he’s hilarious but strict and comical in the way he disciplines his men. Apparently, the DS made them bear crawl around the barracks room while whipping letters at each person, all the while they had to sing the Blues Clue’s “We just got a letter” song. “Now stomp on it and scream, ‘Die, smile die!’ As loud as you can!” The female trainee stood there for a second before following through. I was watching a video and the recruits got off of the bus and the Drill Sergeants were all running around yelling and people were doing push-ups and sit-ups and running around and they were throwing bags all over the place. They were all screaming, “GO TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW PRIVATE, YOU TAKE A NAP THIS VERY SECOND YOU POOR TIRED SOUL!” (Not exact words, but you get the gist of it). Drill Sergeant Yelling Stock Photos and Images (86) Narrow your search: Vectors | Black & white | Cut Outs. This short list is only the tip of the gritty, expletive-laced iceberg. In our formation one morning, I heard a loud slap. Drill Sergeant meme. Another guy then asked, “What the heck do you do as a daytime manager of a nightclub?” The DS could barely keep it together. The drill sergeant has a plan for that. They are infamous for their toughness, their intimidating ways and the volume of their voices. I had to inspect their appearance, ask some questions about their weapons or the general orders, stuff like that. It was hilarious. Military/ex-military men, what's the funniest thing a drill sergeant has ever said? Scary cartoon black monster screaming. Even the Drill Sergeants froze. Drill … Everyone knows what a beating is. it was just before lights out. The most relatable, entertaining and informative stories all about human experiences right in your inbox. A guy killed a fly or a mosquito or something. We had a recruit in our platoon that got caught with Skittles out of an MRE in his rack. Well my TI (Training instructor) came in, and she caught the female trainee smiling. The military can be hilarious sometimes. … Drill instructors are no f*cking joke. They ended up becoming pretty good friends. A drill sergeant ran his platoon of recruits all over the camp in the hot sun with heavy packs on. As they stood there, exhausted, he put his face up to one of the recruit's face and said, "I'll bet you're wishing I would die so you could come and urinate on my grave, aren't you?" It can also sometimes be quite intimidating as a new recruit, particularly in the beginning. We all follow our DI into the bathroom and slide him under there like he’s the spawn of Satan. This one girl in our flight was sweeping or something in the bay and she forgot what she was doing. In his hand, he had a butter knife clinched in what I can only describe as a threatening manner. When I was in boot camp, our drill instructor had a recruit sit in front of his own reflection and continually ask himself if he really wanted to be there… for three hours. Our drill sergeant heard me call him by his first name, and gave this whole speech about how "If you're so comfortable with each other, why don't you hold each other's hands!?" Finally, we have one guy who is still on there after two weeks and the DI tells him to go to the doctor. The little guy yelled at the top of his lungs: “To replace the oxygen I am wasting, Platoon Sergeant!”. The guy jumped on the bike, took off for about 40 yards in a wide-open paved area where the recruits marched and then he fell over. I was standing across from the guy and he had a confused look on his face. I went on auto-pilot and threw it like how they did in movies— I pulled the ring by the teeth and threw. The DS busted his butt laughing. Drill Sergeant gifts. #43361343 - An angry cartoon drill sergeant yelling and pointing. Navy doesn’t have drill instructors they call them RDCs (Recruit division commanders). Was the XO of a basic training rotation in 2001. Similar Images . Of course, he puked later on, but imagine trying to eat Skittles that fast. All while screaming at him to “mean it!”. We stood there and stared at him blankly for a minute, then he seriously made us hold hands for the rest of the day. It was a bit embarrassing, but the barracks were a joyous place that evening. So he starts just giving them the business classic Full Metal Jacket style, and finally he just ending his rant right before he’s about to smoke them for who knows how long when one of the offending Privates just says “Drill SGT are you yelling at us or the Water Fountain?” It stopped him dead in his rage and he just walked away mid knife hand. I was in the Navy, and in the Navy, your final inspection as a Division is before the Division Officer. At some point we were doing an exercise in observation points. I was going through Air Force basic training and when on guard duty if an unauthorized person wanted to be let in to the bunks you had to report it to your drill sergeant. After we all settled down, he told me if I ever did that again he’d throw my gear behind the safety line and order me to retrieve it. Prior to Elena’s drill sergeant scolding, Christian warned her in advance via a letter that she might feel the wrath of one of his drill sergeants. I had one recruit who was paying attention to a bunch of geese rather than his drill sergeants. The other recruit asked “this?”. And just because you’re in the military, doesn’t mean you lose your sense of humor—even if you have to try your hardest to mask it sometimes. The first one ran out, and drill sergeant screamed, “FREEZE… Aren’t you supposed to have someone with you?” Without skipping a beat, the private replied, “The force is always with me, drill sergeant.” After thinking about it for a second, he told the private to shut up and fall in line. www.x2u.club collected Army Drill Sergeant Memes pics from Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, these memes curiosities are usually absurd humor photos and curios videos, but memes can also have deep political and cultural undertones, see more ideas about Army Aviation Memes, Bts Army Memes or Badass Army Memes. The drill instructor made a recruit stand in front of a tree, point at it, and say, “I’m not funny, you are,” when he was caught laughing. We used to have brutal room inspections at this certain time of year for the freshmen at the Air Force Academy. Our sister flight’s drill sergeant came up while I was on guard and requested entry so I reported to my sergeant and he had me ask another a series of questions. I went up to the soldier before the top came out and quietly asked him why in the green thumb he was holding that plant in my formation. What is the purpose of a Drill Sergeant yelling and screaming? One recruit wanted a napkin and pointed. Then he would run with the recruits and badger them for being so fat and out of shape since they were already covered in sweat. Sounded like this: “Phew phwant a nupkeen?” (Pieces of saltines flying out) ANSWER HIM!!!! My uncle was a DI and he used to tell us that he would Scotch Guard the inside of all his clothes so that he wouldn’t show sweat. I was so excited and nervous that I just awkwardly started smiling while in the front leaning rest position. Really? Not in boot camp but in a “school” setting in the military. When I got to basic training, I was so nervous I didn’t know what to do. A cartoon illustration of a muscular drill sergeant yelling. During the beginning of basic training, we were monitored while we ate, which included being told when to begin “consuming” and when to stop. Funny; Weird; Pop Culture; Lifestyle; Fails "> Share; Tweet; Next Story . Have you ever been to bootcamp? But here he was. Drill Sergeant humor. This is what it is like to be yelled at. A drill instructor came up to him and immediately began berating him. 12 Drill Sergeants Share The Funniest Thing They’ve Seen A Recruit Do. Cartoon Drill Sergeant Yelling. Don’t forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories! The DS came up and squatted down, yelling in his face. Standing in formation at Fort Knox, we were about to head to the range and everyone needed their gloves. He then said, “Even if I tell you to fly, you’d better take off running with your arms flapping!” He then proceeded to run around the kid flapping his arms screaming “caw-caw” at the top of his voice! With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Drill Instructor animated GIFs to your conversations. Had one recruit paying attention to a bunch of geese rather than us. I mimed it, which made him laugh at the top of his lungs. Cartoon funny cats yelling on the roof at night. Anyway, before the inspection one of our RDC’s, that’s what we called the “DI” in the Nav, found a locker out of sorts and decided to beat us in our dress blues. An Army Drill Sergeant has been suspended after a video of a vicious altercation between him and a recruit hit social media. The dr. gives him an get out of jail free card essentially saying that at any point, he says the magical words “I gotta sh^t” and he can escape any situation. With this shock, sh^tting becomes a problem for a few. His job is to mold a bunch of total jackasses into army shape. They would either have stupid conversations or talk trash using the recruit. save hide report. She walked up to the female trainee and yelled, “Wipe that smile off your face!”, The TI continued to yell, “No! You think you’re special?”, The private replied, “No drill sergeant, I’m the force.”. He barely could get it out, spitting pieces of cracker everywhere. He ordered me to redistribute all the pinecones. The other recruit asked, “This?”. We kinda hated that guy for a while. He had just killed an unarmed friendly and would give it a proper burial. The DI told my buddy and me to take a position in this gigantic brushy area. Literally wipe the smile off your face with your hand!”, “Now stomp on it and scream ‘die, smile die!’ As loud as you can!”. During basic training, when we were all getting to know each other, one guy said that he was a daytime manager of a nightclub. The DI basically keeled over laughing as we all watched. When you get photos, your RDCs need to see and approve of them. Drill Sergeant training. The RDC said “recruit you are either a werewolf or you are lying, so which is it?”, The guy responded “I must be a werewolf, petty officer!”. 3.4k. All while yelling, “Me, Myself, and I, sir!”. I being not the smartest Pvt. Hulka – Stripes. He was going through the head and then a loud scream “Oh-my-gawd, get your p*nis out of your hand and out of my site, why the hell is your p*nis staring at me, recruit?”, ‘Taps’ didn’t happen as scheduled and I still talk to this guy X years later…. I had a young man who couldn’t do two sit-ups. We were all in there dying and the drill sergeant said to one of my buddies: “Private Hudson! We weren’t allowed to talk during chow at the galley. 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