Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. define 'active voice' and 'passive voice' 2. identify examples of active and passive voices 3. convert passive voice into active voice Answer: A clear reflection is given by this. (Passive voice), (b) Please, tell the answer. (d) This needs to be sorted out. Question 12. Did she do her duty? • If the action is more important than its doer. (Passive voice), (e) The secretary of the manager is preparing the agenda of the meeting. Examples: (a) A chandelier is purchased by Nidhi. Example: In these sentences, there is no object which can be changed to subject. (End: the speaker?) Active and Passive Voice: In grammar, the voice of a verb describes the relationship between the action that the verb expresses and the participants identified by its arguments (subject, object etc.). Evaluate preparation by doing ONLINE TEST of Class 10, English,Active and Passive Voice. Answer: The doors had been bolted by her before the alarm rang. She was reading a book. Answer: They/somebody killed the snake with a stick. 2. (d) Give her the medicine. Subject, Verb and Object • The doer of an action is called ‘subject’. Answer: Dinosaurs’ colour is known to nobody for sure. (d) Abha missed her examination owing to her prolonged illness. (b) PM Modi says that a lot has been gained from ‘Mann Ki Baat’ programme (by us). Therefore, these sentences actually mean (a) ‘You should help the poor’. Answer: The thief has been caught by the police. Answer: The manager will give you a ticket. The teacher teaches the students. Answer: Everyone will blame us. Your email address will not be published. How to Identify ‘Object’ In Case of Longer Sentences Examine the following sentences carefully: (a) The Asian Heart Institute has conducted over 175 robotic surgeries as a step to implement advanced technology in medical sciences. • The action done by the subject is represented by a ‘verb’. Question 3. (Active voice) This car was purchased in the year 1997 by my father. Answer: Your parents should always be respected. (Passive voice). Answer: The fire damaged the building. Question 10. Buy Worksheets. 1. (c) A divine light of knowledge and truth has been brought to our lives by our great saints. When the subject is the target or undergoer of the action, the verb is said to be in the passive voice. (Active voice) She will have been surprised by Miheer. What do the workers demand? Active : Dinesh killed a cat. Question 15. Active and Passive Voice. Active & Passive Voice Questions Answers for Class 6,7,8,9,10 Active and Passive Voice Questions for IBPS, SBI, RBI Bank Exams Active and Passive Voice Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams (Active voice) His lame excuses will not be entertained by the boss. Answer: The people welcomed the minister. The streets were thronged with spectators. (Not ‘by the GM’s sudden visit’) (Passive voice), In Case of Two Objects (Direct and Indirect). Answer: A great trouble will be caused in the future by this. These two sentences have the same meaning. The milk has been drunk by the cat. Make other changes that may be necessary but do not change the meaning of each sentence. I will never forget this experience. The police have caught the thief. Question 3. (Passive voice), (e) Miheer will have surprised her. The boy teased the girl Answer: The girl was teased by the boy. Question 3. Who told you about this? They are painting a mural on the front wall. Therefore their passive voice will be: Changes with Prepositions: Prepositions used with the verbs in Active voice are retained in Passive voice. For the future tense, use shall or will with be, followed by a past participle, to form the passive voice. • The receiver of the action done by the subject is called the ‘object’. (e) He was seen off at the railway station by them. Make other changes that may be necessary but do not change the meaning of each sentence. Change the following Active voice sentences into Passive voice. (Active voice) A phone is needed by me. Question 7. (Begin: A mural …………..) Answer: A mural is being painted on the front wall by them. Answer: They found him guilty of murder. (Begin: The keys …………..) Answer: The keys were found in the garage by her. • In other words, somebody, they etc are vague subjects to mention. (Begin: Did he …………..) Answer: Did he scan all the corners of the hall properly? Answer: You are requested to pass the salt. These MCQ's are extremely critical for all CBSE students to score better marks. Do you know why this is so boring? Mathematics. (Active voice) The technology against data hacking is being developed by Indian scientists. (Active voice) Last Hockey World Cup was won many years back by India. Next Activity Active and Passive Voice Worksheet 2. A song is sung by Lata. (Passive voice), (e) This book has incorporated all the important topics. (Active voice) Delicious lunch will have been prepared by mother. The bold sentences are answers. These windows need cleaning again. • Only ‘who’ changes to ‘by whom’ since it acts as the subject itself. Take your seats quickly. There is practically … (Begin: Is it …………..) Answer: Is it known to you why this is so boring? (Passive voice), (b) You will have won the game. Question 13. Active Voice and Passive Voice are directly not asked in class 9 and 10 in CBSE but they are asked in many forms like gap filling, editing and omission and sometimes rearranging sentences are also in the passive voice. Answer: A sufficient number of articles has been collected by me. The minister was welcomed by the people. These English Language solved questions answers are very important for SSC, UPSC, Railways, IBPS etc. (vi) The form of the verb is changed according to the tense. Question 3. 2. This Quiz delivers 25 questions to you and 30 minutes of time for the whole 25 questions. Question 8. Answer: She was not beaten by me. ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10, English Grammar Exercises for Class 10 ICSE, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Chemistry Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Mathematics Class 9 ICSE Solutions, 10 Lines on National Deworming Day for Students and Children in English, 10 lines on Auto Expo for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on Road Safety Week for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on World Cancer Day for Students and Children in English, Plus One Physics Improvement Question Paper Say 2017, 10 Lines on World Wetlands Day for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on International Meatless Day for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on International Film Festival of India for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on World Tsunami Awareness Day for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on World Sight Day for Students and Children in English, Do you like apples? Question 13. His old car was sold by Raghav is in passive voice. Make other changes that may be necessary but do not change the meaning of each sentence. (Active voice) Her name is known to me. 1. Let’s see the following sentences. CBSE Class 10 English Grammar – Active And Passive Voice 1. Active And Passive Voice Exercises for Class 6 With Answers CBSE – English Grammar The verb form which indicates whether the subject (person or object) of a sentence does something or something has been done to the subject is called voice. (Passive voice), (e) Who do you trust? Active Voice – The children have broken the window pane. Passive Voice – The window pane has been broken by the children. Raghav sold his old car, is in active voice whereas the sentence beginning with ‘His old car’, the receiver of the action (object) i.e. (b) Sanobar has composed a nice song. Answer: The film has been signed by Kangana. (Active voice) Many recipes of Chinese food had been learnt by Noorjahan. according to object ‘Manu’. Review performance in PRACTICE TEST and do further learning on weak areas. Question 6. 6. Question 14. (Active voice) The fossils are studied by the archaeologists. Question 5. Question 1. Examples: (a) Nidhi purchases a chandelier. Question 7. Explore numerous NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 8 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Pdf free download is available online for students. e.g. Question 14. Question 15. Question 4. (b) Why is she being started at by everybody? Question 5. Short Answer Questions for Active and Passive Voice - ICSE Class 10 Grammar on Topperlearning. (Active voice) Janhavi is interested in such stories. Active And Passive Voice Exercises for Class 10 With Answers CBSE Pdf. They are either an advice or a suggestion. Answer: My appointment letter as an aeronautical engineer was shown to them by me. (Passive voice), (d) Indian scientists are developing the technology against data hacking. Kids are blowing the balloons. Answer: By whom were the vegetables brought today? Examples: (a) Pass the book            (Active voice) Let the book be passed. (b) Why is everybody staring at her? Active and Passive Voice - Questions. This also helps in deciding whether the given sentence is in Active voice or Passive voice and transforming it into the other accordingly. Question 12. Category Questions section with detailed description, explanation will help you to master the topic. English. A … Question 6. Here I am sharing 10 sentences of Active Voice And Passive Voice MCQ Questions and also provided the answers in the form of Bold sentences. Question No : 8 Direction: In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Question 13. (Passive voice), Present Continuous Tense Active : S + am/is/are + V1 + ing + O Passive : O + am/is/are + being + V3 + by + S (a) Rishabh is painting the portrait of a lady. The impish acts of certain uncivilised individuals threaten the grand edifice. Rahim has learnt a number of proverbs. Question 4. The building was damaged by the fire. (Active voice) The channel on TV has been changed by Ovi. (b) ‘You should love animals’. Answer: What is demanded by the workers? Class 2. (Active voice) The assignments were submitted last week by us. It makes for a murky, roundabout sentence; you can be more straightforward with active voice. (Passive voice), (b) We will find out a solution. • Identify the action—You will get the verb. Question 11. (Passive voice), (b) NDTV launches gadgets360.com soon. (Passive voice) I need a phone. Answer: An earthquake destroyed the town. Voice: Voice is that form of the transitive verb that shows whether the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action or has the action done to it. Question 5. Question 9. The letter has been delivered by the postman. Past Perfect Tense Active: S + had + V3 + O Passive: O + had been + V3 + by + S (a) I had already done this. Vahida has done great acting. (Active voice) The game will have been won by you. (Passive voice), What is the action being performed in both the sentences? (iii) Advice/ Suggestions ‘Help the poor’, ‘Love animals’ are not the orders though they begin with a verb. Therefore it is in Active Voice. Question 8. Passive meaning is basically where subject is not doing anything. Answer: The plants are being watered by her. (Passive voice), (b) Sakshi cracked GRE at the very first attempt. A cake has been made by my mother. As such, there are many ways to change the passive voice to the active voice in your sentences. The enemy has been defeated by our army. In the sentences (i) and (v) only ‘over 175 robotic surgeries’ and ‘a tremendous change’ are the objects though the remaining words /phrases define or support the same. Then the verb is said to be in Active voice. Answer: The fireman took the injured to the hospital. And the implicit subject is ‘you’ i.e. Answer: Concertors, symphonies and many other pieces of music were written apart from doing ballets by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (e) They saw him off at the railway station. (Active voice) All the chocolates will have been eaten up by Shanu. (Active voice) GRE was cracked at the very first attempt by Sakshi. You will be asked a question (by me). 7. Active voice The tailor was making our dresses. 5. The invitationhas been accepted by her. (Passive voice), (c) India will have eradicated illiteracy by 2020. This chapter introduces voices and narration to students of class 10. When the subject is the agent or doer of the action, the verb is in the active voice. Now, let us try to identify the subject, verb and object. (Active voice) Hinduism was being practised by him. 5. Class 1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for Active and Passive Voice - CBSE Class 10 Grammar on Topperlearning. Therefore ‘Raghav’ is the subject. (Passive voice), (c) She is preparing the list of guests for the party. The question words when, why, where, how or what does not change their position at the beginning of the sentence when the active voice is changed into the passive voice. This object is preceded by a preposition mostly ‘by’; in some cases, ‘to’ or ‘with’. This will help him in essay writing. • Passive voice is more often used in those sentences in which subject is not known/defined. Answer: Some people, earlier, believed that the eclipse was caused by the astronomers. (Passive voice), (c) Trespassers shall not use this road. Consider the following sentences : Lata sings a song. Having known this, we can change the above sentences into passive voice as follows: (a) Over 175 robotic surgeries have been conducted as a step to implement advanced technology in medical sciences by the Asian Heart Institute. Out of the four alternative suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice. In the second example two sentences are joined by the coordinating conjunction ‘that’. The peasants regarded him as a thief and called him a villain. Question 9. (Passive voice), (b) Close the door          (Active voice) Let the door be closed. Vageshwari has been blessed with a sweet and melodious voice. Question 2. Therefore, the sentence may begin with object. (Passive voice), (d) Shanu will have eaten up all the chocolates. Log in, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions 2018. (Active voice) Everyone is pleased with her appearance. The tiger was chasing the deer. April 19, 2020 A sentence has been given in active / passive voice . In active voice, since the subject is an active agent, the ‘verb’ should be in accordance with the ‘subject’. (Passive voice). With passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. Answer: A predator can be stung by the wasp. Read the following sentences: (i) Hari killed a snake. (c) Let the news be paid attention to. (Passive voice), Future Tense Simple Future Tense Active : S + shall/will + V1 + O Passive : O + shall/will + be + V3 + by + S (a) He will manipulate her. (Active voice) Much had been tolerated by him before coming to this city. — Raghav = Subject What is being sold? The verb is in passive voice in a passive sentence. Question 12. (Passive voice), (b) He had tolerated much before coming to this city. Passive meaning is basically where the subject is not doing anything.Active passive voice is a topic worth learning because it covers more than 25% of the language. The garbage had not been cleared by the scavengers for many days before the Mayor visited the area. Answer: The deer was being chased by the tiger. Question 6. Which religion does he follow? (Active voice) This had been already / had already been done by me. (Active voice) What is needed by you? Question 7. (Active voice) By whom was that cooked? I did not beat her. 12. Question 10. These SAQ's are extremely critical for all ICSEstudents to score better marks. Active And Passive Voice Exercises Solved Examples for Class 6 CBSE. (b) PM Modi says that we have gained a lot from ‘Mann Ki Baat’ programme. EVS - Environmental Science. Answer: Sipra’s ponytail will be tied by mother. Active voice Jaya will sing the next song. Now, examine the following sentences carefully Raghav sold his old car. Question 6. (e) This will bring about a tremendous change in the present system of education. (Rewrite using ‘have you prepared’) Answer: Which all lessons have you prepared thoroughly for the coming examination? – The earliest mechanical analog computer was discovered in 1901. + V 4- obj. Answer: Will this impossible goal be achieved by you? 4. The trees were blown down by the wind. These are simply two different […] The poet has maintained a rhythm throughout his poem. (iv) Helping verb is placed before the main verb. Question 2. 3. 2. Question 2. 10. Example: Sounds better if written as ‘My watch was stolen yesterday’ (by someone). In the active sentence, the focus is on the doer of the action. Active Voice (a) Yuvi does not listen to the instructions carefully. (Passive voice), Imperative Sentences: Imperative sentences are of three kinds. (Passive voice), Past Tense Simple Past Tense Active : S + V2 + O Passive : O + was/were + V3 + by + S (a) We submitted the assignments last week. Answer: My pen was stolen by somebody yesterday. Always respect your parents. (Active voice) Stars in the sky were being counted by Sumi. Active/Passive Voice: Solved 658 Active/Passive Voice Questions and answers section with explanation for various online exam preparation, various interviews, Logical Reasoning Category online test. Mathematics. (Active voice) You are requested to tell the answer. Question 14. Answer: Great acting has been done by Vahida. (Passive voice), (d) Sejal and Mahima were planting trees in the garden. Change the following Active voice sentences into Passive voice. Question2. Looking for an easy way to Learning of English Grammar Exercises for Class 10 ICSE. Therefore it is in Passive Voice. 3. (v) The tense of the verb does not change. Last night’s dinner was cooked for us by father. (Passive voice), (d) Anushka and Neha learn Salsa. Question 4. English - Class 5. 5. Question 4. (Active voice) The invitation letter had been sent by Sahil. Interrogative Sentences In interrogative sentences, the ‘auxiliary’ or the ‘wh-word’ that forms the question remains at its place, the question mark also remains at the end of the sentence. Kangana has signed the film. Active and Passive Voice: In grammar, the voice of a verb describes the relationship between the action that the verb expresses and the participants identified by its arguments (subject, object etc.) (Passive voice) (did + purchase make simple past tense, therefore was purchased and by her. (Active voice) The portrait of a lady is being painted by Rishabh. With Passive voice ) active and passive voice questions for class 10 game will have eaten up all the corners of the manager will give a... Is/Are trusted by you ) Abha missed her examination owing to her prolonged illness voice Questions and Answers CBSE 10... Back by India the question remains a question to you and 30 minutes of time for the is... 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