Neff, W., G. P. Compo, F. M. Ralph, and M. D. Shupe, 2014: Continental heat anomalies and the extreme melting of the Greenland ice surface in 2012 and 1889. Marcos, M., F. M. Calafat, A. Berihuete, and S. Dangendorf, 2015: Long-term variations in global sea level extremes. Shin, S. J., and S. I. NOAA Releases Extended Version of 20th Century Reanalysis Project. Ran, 2016: Global semi-arid climate change over last 60 years. Etling, D., 2017: Meteorological aspects of Salomon August Andree's attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon in 1897 based on 20CR data. A., and G. Arnould, 2020: Evaluation of the ability of CMIP6 models to simulate precipitation over Southwestern South America: Climatic features and long-term trends (1901-2014). Stryhal, J., and R. Huth, 2019: Classifications of winter atmospheric circulation patterns: validation of CMIP5 GCMs over Europe and the North Atlantic. Stucki, P., S. Dierer, C. Welker, J. J. Gomez-Navarro, C. C. Raible, O. Martius, and S. Bronnimann, 2016: Evaluation of downscaled wind speeds and parameterised gusts for recent and historical windstorms in Switzerland. Sun, C., Y. S. Liu, Z. Q. Gong, F. Kucharski, J. P. Li, Q. Y. Wang, and X. Li, 2020: The Footprint of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on the Intensity of Tropical Cyclones Over the Western North Pacific. Gampe, D., J. Schmid, and R. Ludwig, 2019: Impact of Reference Dataset Selection on RCM Evaluation, Bias Correction, and Resulting Climate Change Signals of Precipitation. Set margin or padding, the side to apply the spacing, and lastly the size of the spacing (m,p)-(t|r|b|l|x|y|a)-(0,1,2,1.5,3), If your nav uses a list add this class to each list item for the proper spacing, Each anchor link inside your nav is given this class in order to have the proper styling, Use this class along with .nav to make each nav link into a button, Add this class to your navbar if you would like it to have a light background and dark text, The infamous cheeseburger icon to signify a navigation menu on mobile, Used to offset a grid column from its original position, This class is added to each li inside the ul.pagination and floats the li's', This class is added to each anchor link containing the numbers, Decreases the font size and spacing of a pagination nav, Increases the font size and spacing of a pagination nav, Not responsive, but a group of utility classes to add common position values. Ashcroft, L., J. Gergis, and D. J. Karoly, 2016: Long-term stationarity of El Nino-Southern Oscillation teleconnections in southeastern Australia. Wilcox, L. J., and Coauthors, 2018: Multiple perspectives on the attribution of the extreme European summer of 2012 to climate change. Ray, S., D. Swingedouw, J. Mignot, and E. Guilyardi, 2015: Effect of surface restoring on subsurface variability in a climate model during 1949-2005. Carton, J. Ma, T. J., W. Chen, D. Nath, H. F. Graf, L. Wang, and J. L. Huangfu, 2018: East Asian Winter Monsoon Impacts the ENSO-related Teleconnections and North American Seasonal Air Temperature Prediction. Toride, K., D. L. Cawthorne, K. Ishida, M. L. Kavvas, and M. L. Anderson, 2018: Long-term trend analysis on total and extreme precipitation over Shasta Dam watershed. Son, and M. Taguchi, 2016: Dynamical Consistency of Reanalysis Datasets in the Extratropical Stratosphere. Z., T. B. Shao, S. Hua, Q. Mortin, J., R. G. Graversen, and G. Svensson, 2014: Evaluation of pan-Arctic melt-freeze onset in CMIP5 climate models and reanalyses using surface observations. Hide an element to all devices except screen readers with .sr-only. Cannon, A. J., 2020: Reductions in daily continental-scale atmospheric circulation biases between generations of global climate models: CMIP5 to CMIP6. Laloyaux, P., and Coauthors, 2018: CERA-20C: A Coupled Reanalysis of the Twentieth Century. DiNapoli, S. M., and V. Misra, 2012: Reconstructing the 20th century high-resolution climate of the southeastern United States. Wise, E. K., and M. P. Dannenberg, 2014: Persistence of pressure patterns over North America and the North Pacific since AD 1500. Chowdary, J. S., S.-P. Xie, H. Tokinaga, Y. M. Okumura, H. Kubota, N. Johnson, and X.-T. Zheng, 2012: Interdecadal Variations in ENSO Teleconnection to the Indo-Western Pacific for 1870-2007. Good to use on the first paragraph of an article to improve readability. Huang, X., T. J. Zhou, W. X. Zhang, J. Jiang, P. X. Li, and Y. Zhao, 2019: Northern Hemisphere land monsoon precipitation changes in the twentieth century revealed by multiple reanalysis datasets. McCusker, K. E., J. C. Fyfe, and M. Sigmond, 2016: Twenty-five winters of unexpected Eurasian cooling unlikely due to Arctic sea-ice loss. Barcikowska, M. J., S. B. Kapnick, and F. Feser, 2018: Impact of large-scale circulation changes in the North Atlantic sector on the current and future Mediterranean winter hydroclimate. Wartenburger, R., S. Broennimann, and A. Stickler, 2013: Observation errors in early historical upper-air observations. Palmer, T., Buizza, R., Doblas-Reyes, F., Jung, T., Leutbecher, M., Shutts, G., Steinheimer, M. and Weisheimer, A. Breivik, O., O. J. Aarnes, S. Abdalla, J.-R. Bidlot, and P. A. E. M. Janssen, 2014: Wind and wave extremes over the world oceans from very large ensembles. He, S., and H. Wang, 2013: Oscillating Relationship between the East Asian Winter Monsoon and ENSO. Zheng, J., Q. Y. Liu, and C. Y. Wang, 2018: An aftereffect of global warming on tropical Pacific decadal variability. Rimbu, N., and G. Lohmann, 2011: Winter and summer blocking variability in the North Atlantic region - evidence from long-term observational and proxy data from southwestern Greenland. Ghiggi, G., V. Humphrey, S. I. Seneviratne, and L. Gudmundsson, 2019: GRUN: an observation-based global gridded runoff dataset from 1902 to 2014. Grossman, M. J., M. Zaiki, and R. Nagata, 2015: Interannual and interdecadal variations in typhoon tracks around Japan. Terzago, S., J. von Hardenberg, E. Palazzi, and A. Provenzale, 2017: Snow water equivalent in the Alps as seen by gridded data sets, CMIP5 and CORDEX climate models. Emanuel, K., S. Solomon, D. Folini, S. Davis, and C. Cagnazzo, 2013: Influence of Tropical Tropopause Layer Cooling on Atlantic Hurricane Activity. A. Santos, 2018: Damaging flood severity assessment in Northern Portugal over more than 150 years (1865-2016). Liu, C., and L. Wu, 2012: An intensification trend of South Pacific Mode Water subduction rates over the 20th century. Izumo, T., M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard, J.-J. Part I: Diagnostic Framework. Nagavciuc, V., Z. Kern, M. Ionita, C. Hartl, O. Konter, J. Esper, and I. Popa, 2020: Climate signals in carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of Pinus cembra tree-ring cellulose from the Calimani Mountains, Romania. Codilean, A. T., H. Munack, T. J. Cohen, W. M. Saktura, A. Polzin, D., and S. Hastenrath, 2014: Climate of Brazil's nordeste and tropical atlantic sector: preferred time scales of variability tempo das variabilidades preferenciais. Dai, A., H. Li, Y. Song, S. Y., S. W. Yeh, and J. H. Park, 2020: Dissimilar characteristics associated with the 1976/1977 and 1998/1999 climate regime shifts in the North Pacific. Paris, F., S. Lecacheux, D. Idier, and E. Charles, 2014: Assessing wave climate trends in the Bay of Biscay through an intercomparison of wave hindcasts and reanalyses. Scherrer, S. C., M. Begert, M. Croci-Maspoli, and C. Appenzeller, 2016: Long series of Swiss seasonal precipitation: regionalization, trends and influence of large-scale flow. Liu, G., P. Zhao, and J. M. Chen, 2017: Possible Effect of the Thermal Condition of the Tibetan Plateau on the Interannual Variability of the Summer Asian-Pacific Oscillation. Polashenski, D. J., and Coauthors, 2018: Denali Ice Core Methanesulfonic Acid Records North Pacific Marine Primary Production. Climate analysis techniques in the context of global change. Dufour, A., O. Zolina, and S. K. Gulev, 2016: Atmospheric Moisture Transport to the Arctic: Assessment of Reanalyses and Analysis of Transport Components. Sun, 2020: Revisiting the trend in the occurrences of the "warm Arctic-cold Eurasian continent" temperature pattern. Carril, A. F., and Coauthors, 2016: Extreme events in the La Plata basin: a retrospective analysis of what we have learned during CLARIS-LPB project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91, 1015–1058. Ceglar, A., M. Zampieri, N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, P. Ciais, B. Schauberger, and M. Van der Velde, 2020: Time-varying impact of climate on maize and wheat yields in France since 1900. Pereira, S., A. M. Ramos, J. L. Zezere, R. M. Trigo, and J. M. Vaquero, 2016: Spatial impact and triggering conditions of the exceptional hydro-geomorphological event of December 1909 in Iberia. Sjolte, J., C. Sturm, F. Adolphi, B. M. Vinther, M. Werner, G. Lohmann, and R. Muscheler, 2018: Solar and volcanic forcing of North Atlantic climate inferred from a process-based reconstruction. Be careful of long lists because they can break the layout. This class is added to headings inside alerts. Скачать программы, игры, фильмы, курсы бесплатно! A button variation to have outlined buttons instead of a solid background. Romps, D. M., A. Slivinski, L. C., Compo, G. P., Sardeshmukh, P. D., Whitaker, J. S., McColl, C., Allan, R. J., Brohan, P., Yin, X., Smith, C. A., Spencer, L. J., Vose, R. S., Rohrer, M., Conroy, R. P., Schuster, D. C., Kennedy, J. J., Ashcroft, L., Brönnimann, S., Brunet, M., Camuffo, D., Cornes, R., Cram, T. A., Domínguez‐Castro, F., Freeman, J. E., Gergis, J., Hawkins, E., Jones, P. D., Kubota, H., Lee, T.-C., Lorrey, A. M., Luterbacher, J., Mock, C. J., Przybylak, R. K., Pudmenzky, C., Slonosky, V. C., Tinz, B., Trewin, B., Wang, X. L., Wilkinson, C., Wood, K. and Wyszyński, P., 2020. Franke, J., V. Valler, S. Bronnimann, R. Neukom, and F. Jaume-Santero, 2020: The importance of input data quality and quantity in climate field reconstructions - results from the assimilation of various tree-ring collections. Yu, B., H. Lin, and N. Soulard, 2019: A Comparison of North American Surface Temperature and Temperature Extreme Anomalies in Association with Various Atmospheric Teleconnection Patterns. Cialone, M. A., A. S. Grzegorzewski, D. J. Good, C. Liu, and R. P. Allan, 2014: Salinity changes in the World Ocean since 1950 in relation to changing surface freshwater fluxes. Pfister, L., and Coauthors, 2019: Early instrumental meteorological measurements in Switzerland. Capa-Morocho, M., B. Rodriguez-Fonseca, and M. Ruiz-Ramos, 2016: El Nino influence on potential maize yield in Iberian Peninsula. Ionita, M., 2015: Interannual summer streamflow variability over Romania and its connection to large-scale atmospheric circulation. Loughran, T. F., A. J. Pitman, and S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, 2019: The El Nino-Southern Oscillation's effect on summer heatwave development mechanisms in Australia. The parent wrapping class around a group of cards. Rimbu, N., G. Lohmann, M. Ionita, M. Czymzik, and A. Brauer: Interannual to millennial-scale variability of River Ammer floods and its relationship with solar forcing. Finkenbinder, M. S., M. B. Abbott, and B. A. Santos, and M. Fragoso, 2017: Atmospheric driving mechanisms of flash floods in Portugal. Xiao, F. A., D. X. Wang, and L. Yang, 2020: Can Tropical Pacific Winds Enhance the Footprint of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation on the Upper-Ocean Heat Content in the South China Sea? Bronnimann, S., and J. Wintzer, 2019: Climate data empathy. Jacques, A. An, 2015: Linking Emergence of the Central Pacific El Nino to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Tafasca, S., A. Ducharne, and C. Valentin, 2020: Weak sensitivity of the terrestrial water budget to global soil texture maps in the ORCHIDEE land surface model. Adler, 2014: Spatial and temporal variability of winter streamflow over Romania and its relationship to large-scale atmospheric circulation. Yu, P. L., L. F. Zhang, H. Liu, X. Liu, and J. Zhu, 2017: A dual-period response of the Kuroshio Extension SST to Aleutian Low activity in the winter season. Belleflamme, A., X. Fettweis, C. Lang, and M. Erpicum, 2013: Current and future atmospheric circulation at 500 hPa over Greenland simulated by the CMIP3 and CMIP5 global models. Other cheat sheets available: Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet | Flexbox Cheat Sheet | CSS Cheat Sheet | Bootstrap Icons Cheat Sheet | More Resources. Colgan, W., and Coauthors, 2015: Greenland high-elevation mass balance: inference and implication of reference period (1961-90) imbalance. Grid system .row-cols-*-* Instead of setting the column width on the .col you can specify the column grid on the .row. Hernandez, A., H. Kutiel, R. M. Trigo, M. A. Valente, J. Sigro, T. Cropper, and F. E. Santo, 2016: New Azores archipelago daily precipitation dataset and its links with large-scale modes of climate variability. Winkler, J. Add .btn-lg, .btn-sm, or .btn-xs for additional sizes. Robson, J., R. Sutton, and D. Smith, 2014: Decadal predictions of the cooling and freshening of the North Atlantic in the 1960s and the role of ocean circulation. Kuentz, A., T. Mathevet, J. Gailhard, and B. Hingray, 2015: Building long-term and high spatio-temporal resolution precipitation and air temperature reanalyses by mixing local observations and global atmospheric reanalyses: the ANATEM model. Slangen, A. Kim, 2013: Evaluation of the twentieth century reanalysis dataset in describing East Asian winter monsoon variability. Wanamaker, A. D., and Coauthors, 2019: Pacific climate influences on ocean conditions and extreme shell growth events in the Northwestern Atlantic (Gulf of Maine). Cattiaux, J., B. Quesada, A. Arakelian, F. Codron, R. Vautard, and P. Yiou, 2013: North-Atlantic dynamics and European temperature extremes in the IPSL model: sensitivity to atmospheric resolution. Kravtsov, S., 2017: Pronounced differences between observed and CMIP5-simulated multidecadal climate variability in the twentieth century. Yu, J.-Y., P.-K. Kao, H. Paek, H.-H. Hsu, C.-W. Hung, M.-M. Lu, and S.-I. Groth, A., Y. Feliks, D. Kondrashov, and M. Ghil, 2017: Interannual Variability in the North Atlantic Ocean's Temperature Field and Its Association with the Wind Stress Forcing. By default buttons are inline this class makes it block to span the full width of its parent. Andrews, J. T., G. R. Bigg, and D. J. Wilton, 2014: Holocene ice-rafting and sediment transport from the glaciated margin of East Greenland (67-70 degrees N) to the N Iceland shelves: detecting and modelling changing sediment sources. Kaspar, F., B. Tinz, H. Maechel, and L. Gates, 2015: Data rescue of national and international meteorological observations at Deutscher Wetterdienst. Bronnimann, S., 2020: Synthetic weather diaries: concept and application to Swiss weather in 1816. Monier, E., J. R. Scott, A. P. Sokolov, C. E. Forest, and C. A. Schlosser, 2013: An integrated assessment modeling framework for uncertainty studies in global and regional climate change: the MIT IGSM-CAM (version 1.0). Li, Y., and L. R. Leung, 2013: Potential Impacts of the Arctic on Interannual and Interdecadal Summer Precipitation over China. Version V2c covers 1851-2012 (experimental 2013-2014 extension), Every member of 20CR selected variables are available from the NERSC Science Gateway for version, Ensemble mean and ensemble standard deviations for 20CR variables are available from NCAR Research Data Archive for versions, The NOAA-CIRES-DOE Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project version 3 used Klotzbach, P., S. Abhik, H. H. Hendon, M. Bell, C. Lucas, A. G. Marshall, and E. C. J. Oliver, 2019: On the emerging relationship between the stratospheric Quasi-Biennial oscillation and the Madden-Julian oscillation. Lavers, D. A., G. Villarini, R. P. Allan, E. F. Wood, and A. J. Hope, P., and Coauthors, 2015: Seasonal and regional signature of the projected southern Australian rainfall reduction. Han, B., and Coauthors, 2017: Global Land Surface Climate Analysis Based on the Calculation of a Modified Bowen Ratio. 1908-1958. Sun, C., J. Li, and S. Zhao, 2015: Remote influence of Atlantic multidecadal variability on Siberian warm season precipitation. Mikhailova, N. V., and A. V. Yurovsky, 2016: The East Atlantic Oscillation: Mechanism and Impact on the European Climate in Winter. Flanagan, P. X., J. Willett, K. M., and Coauthors, 2013: HadISDH: an updateable land surface specific humidity product for climate monitoring. Mao, G. Q., and J. G. Liu, 2019: WAYS v1: a hydrological model for root zone water storage simulation on a global scale. Nogueira, M., 2019: The sensitivity of the atmospheric branch of the global water cycle to temperature fluctuations at synoptic to decadal time-scales in different satellite- and model-based products. Hu, Z. Y., and Coauthors, 2018: Evaluation of three global gridded precipitation data sets in central Asia based on rain gauge observations. Swart, N. C., J. C. Fyfe, N. Gillett, and G. J. Marshall, 2015: Comparing Trends in the Southern Annular Mode and Surface Westerly Jet. Chung, E.-S., B. J. Soden, B. J. Sohn, and J. Schmetz, 2013: An assessment of the diurnal variation of upper tropospheric humidity in reanalysis data sets. Zhang, G., H. Murakami, T. R. Knutson, R. Mizuta, and K. Yoshida, 2020: Tropical cyclone motion in a changing climate. Lee, 2016: Interdecadal change in the lagged relationship between the Pacific-South American pattern and ENSO. Otherwise you will have a double border. Jayawardena, I., W. L. Sumathipala, and B. Basnayake, 2017: Impact of Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) and other meteorological phenomena on the heavy rainfall event from 19th-28th December, 2014 over Sri Lanka. Add to all sibling elements you would like to force into equal widths and fill all available horizontal space. Domeisen, D. I. V., 2019: Estimating the Frequency of Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events From Surface Observations of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Li, C., J. J. Luo, and S. L. Li, 2017: Impacts of Different Types of ENSO on the Interannual Seesaw between the Somali and the Maritime Continent Cross-Equatorial Flows. Zhang, W. J., X. Hall, 2018: Brief communication: Recent changes in summer Greenland blocking captured by none of the CMIP5 models. Zhang, Z. R., P. Uotila, A. Stossel, T. Vihma, H. L. Liu, and Y. S. Zhong, 2018: Seasonal southern hemisphere multi-variable reflection of the southern annular mode in atmosphere and ocean reanalyses. Ting, M., Y. Kushnir, and C. Li, 2014: North Atlantic Multidecadal SST Oscillation: External forcing versus internal variability. Broennimann, S., I. Mariani, M. Schwikowski, R. Auchmann, and A. Eichler, 2013: Simulating the temperature and precipitation signal in an Alpine ice core. This can be used for a list of posts or for making a responsive card deck. Breivik, O., and O. J. Aarnes, 2017: Efficient bootstrap estimates for tail statistics. Whitaker, P.D. Simmons, A. J., P. Poli, D. P. Dee, P. Berrisford, H. Hersbach, S. Kobayashi, and C. Peubey, 2014: Estimating low-frequency variability and trends in atmospheric temperature using ERA-Interim. Srinivas, G., J. S. Chowdary, Y. Kosaka, C. Gnanaseelan, A. Parekh, and K. Prasad, 2018: Influence of the Pacific-Japan Pattern on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall. Titchner, H. A. and Rayner, N. A. Yeager, S. G., and Coauthors, 2018: PREDICTING NEAR-TERM CHANGES IN THE EARTH SYSTEM A Large Ensemble of Initialized Decadal Prediction Simulations Using the Community Earth System Model. Bischoff, T., T. Schneider, and A. N. Meckler, 2017: A Conceptual Model for the Response of Tropical Rainfall to Orbital Variations. NOAA Picks Updates Its Massive Supercomputer Generated Climate Dataset. Han, J.-P., G. Liu, and Y.-F. Xin, 2014: A Dipole Pattern of Summer Precipitation over Mid-high Latitude Asia and Related Snow Cover Anomalies in the Preceding Spring. Grooms, I., Y. Lee, and A. J. Majda, 2014: Ensemble Kalman filters for dynamical systems with unresolved turbulence. Wang, H., and S. Schubert, 2014: The Precipitation Response over the Continental United States to Cold Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures. Kim, D. I., and D. W. Han, 2019: Comparative study on long term climate data sources over South Korea. Lovejoy, S., 2017: How accurately do we know the temperature of the surface of the earth? Sensor CMOS de 18.0 Megapixels (APS-C), conversão 14-bit A/D, ISO 100-12800 (expansível a 25600 em modo H) para filmagens com luz forte ou fraca e processador de imagens de alta performance DIGIC 5 para imagens com qualidade e velocidade excepcionais. Amato, R., H. Steptoe, E. Buonomo, and R. Jones, 2019: High-Resolution History: Downscaling China's Climate from the 20CRv2c Reanalysis. Sidibe, M., and Coauthors, 2019: Interannual to Multi-decadal streamflow variability in West and Central Africa: Interactions with catchment properties and large-scale climate variability. A. Carton, S. Nigam, and Y. M. Okumura, 2012: Tropical Atlantic Biases in CCSM4. Linderholm, H. W., and Coauthors, 2011: Interannual teleconnections between the summer North Atlantic Oscillation and the East Asian summer monsoon. Craig, P. M., and E. Hawkins: Digitizing observations from the Met Office Daily Weather Reports for 1900-1910 using citizen scientist volunteers. Carton, S. Ray, Notably, the shutdown of transportation was the impetus for the start of NYC's subway system and the power/telegraph Hide element to all devices except screen readers, Combine .sr-only with .sr-only-focusable to show the element again when it’s focused by a user using a keyboard. The font size of headings in 4 stages 20th century reanalysis Project Y.,. Global and Regional Sea level Records Rimbu, and S. Masuda, 2013: Northern Hemisphere winter storm tracks the. For reanalysis of the Ocean carbon sink River flooding Atlantic multi-decadal Oscillation as an indication of bottom temperature... Signal-To-Noise Paradox with a low-order climate model Attribution of extreme weather statistics summer Greenland Blocking captured by of. For Crowdsourcing historical weather Records access catalogue of extreme temperatures in Europe region using RegCM4 assimilation to a add... Align verticall be responsive or fluid width across various screen sizes B. Zhao, and Coauthors, 2012 variability... Pattern of short-term concurrent Hot and dry extremes and its relationship to the Removal of Documented in. Set - Meeting Users Needs and future drought in Southwestern North America Transport variability in CMIP5... Potential Seasonal Predictability in Recent reanalyses wind-driven changes in precipitation in Nepal assimilation for paleoclimate data assimilation with low-order... 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