Then don’t. It’s day 3 of my $27/week grocery budget challenge. The first snack I made after the breakfast muffins were some. Lunches most likely fall around plans to include leftovers for dinner from the night before. If you missed my recent post on Bulk Grocery Purchases take the time now to check it out (you can find it HERE). If shopping for one adult, I budget around $6.50 a day or about $200 per month. Growing up, I remember packing lunches every day for myself, my brother, and my dad. NOTE: I do not include household products (cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, plastic bags, foil, etc.) Set your budget and work your grocery shop around that. $5 bonus for new sign ups. I cannot say it enough: if you make a list and stick to it, you might as well kiss that budget goodbye. At the end of the day, it’s all about preparation, enjoyment and relaxation. Monthly Grocery Budget. Stick to the List. This menu is 100% real food, but it was not written to include organic, grass-fed, or any other qualities of real food. This is excellent! All of these changes have one thing in common, though: The unknown. $5 Meal Plan – Make meal planning easier with weekly meal plans sent straight to your inbox with grocery lists included. Some weeks we do eggs benedict or a sausage bowl, but this week we went for the classic. In our house, we don’t avoid meat altogether, but we do our best to buy a minimal amount at the grocery store because of the more expensive cost. If you choose to shop biweekly, then this would be a great time to create a menu covering a two-week timeframe. It can be a bit fun to get creative with the meal plan! Each day my family eats oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon on it, alongside large glasses of milk or almond milk (for the dairy-free folks). Any oat-based breakfast helps to keep us full for longer because of the volume of protein. They have the option to put walnuts in their oatmeal as well but, for the most part, they choose not to. I know it seems like one day we just woke up and had a $200 grocery budget. Grocery Budget for 1: $362: $397: Grocery Budget for Family of 2: $599: $696: Grocery Budget for Family of 3: $827: $1011: Grocery Budget for Family of 4: $1118: $1294: Grocery Budget for Family of 5: $1293: $1543: Grocery Budget for Family of 6: $1524: $1822: Grocery Budget for Family of 7: $1707: $1989: Grocery Budget for Family of 8: $1971: $2208: Grocery Budget for Family of 9: $2243: $2427 Fetch Rewards – Scan any receipt for points to earn gift cards. Subscribe | Ha! Instead, we find more affordable protein options such as legumes, beans, and plant-based proteins. 24 240 0 0 $100 Budget Weekly Menu (for six people including three teens! We sat at $250 for the two of us for so long, I wasn’t sure that there was anything left for us to lose. $5 bonus for new sign ups. I don’t know where you live with those prices! **This post was written by Kim, the original owner of I do respond and I’m always eager to share what I know!). Alyssa Davies claims she’s not an expert on personal finance — which is why it’s easy for her to explain financial topics without getting too intense. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen yesterday, but it was definitely worth it. I try and feed my family with $100 a month. The Fundamental Home Food, Frugality, Grocery Budgeting June 4, 2016 September 6, 2017 Budgeting, Frugality, Grocery Budget, Grocery Budgeting, How I Feed My Family of 5 for $100 Every Month, Meal Plan, Meal Planning, The Fundamental Home 26 Comments If you use these links, I may earn a commission- please read my full disclosure policy. lunch snacks, olive oil, spices, soy sauce, etc.). is frozen blueberries with a dash of heavy cream. You can also add up what you are buying to make sure you are staying in budget as well. Here are five steps that we implemented to reduce our monthly grocery budget to $200. If so, don’t forget to share it on your favorite social media platform! This list includes anything I will purchase just for the week (and the corresponding meal plan). Learn More. Since our daughter has started to eat more solids, her favorite foods are fresh fruits and vegetables. Whether it’s for one season or one year, let us take meal planning off your to-do list so you can focus on feeding your family healthy food without spending a lot of money! Most Popular Posts for 2014 - Meet Penny says: December 28, 2014 at 6:00 pm […] What to Eat on $100 a Week […] I’m saving $100 in a month by NOT stocking up on groceries. As for garlic bread, a good piece of toast with garlic salt and butter has never steered me wrong. Wonder what in the world we eat on a $200 grocery budget? But the peace of mind in knowing we can find a way to cut costs when times get tough is more than enough of a reason to continue to work with our spending and find solutions that save more money long-term. (Until I did the math for the purpose of this article, I didn't realize just how small that budget is.) If shopping for one adult, I budget around $6.50 a day or about $200 per month. The Meal Plan With the help of coupons, gardening and bartering I am able to squeeze the most out of our grocery budget and still manage to have a little fun along the way. According to, the average monthly household spending on groceries should be $251 per person. One of my favorite meals and a staple for our entire family is breakfast for dinner. padding: 5px; As much as we can plan for our financial goals, we have little control over when we lose our income. How do we do it? COVID-19 has been a wake-up call of this in my family. Here is an example of my most recent grocery budget. Of course, if you prefer to have them with your meals, this would be a great place to add them in. Knowing that I’ve already spent $14.50 in bulk food purchases, I know that my regular grocery expenditures will need to stay under $85.50 for the week. My husband and I shop together weekly and pay very close attention to what we spend each week. If you would like to see a weekly meal plan for our family of 5 including breakfast, lunch & dinner you can check it out HERE and HERE. Go meat-free more often. P.P.S. With the help of coupons, gardening and bartering I am able to squeeze the most out of our grocery budget and still manage to have a little fun along the way. For us, that planning starts with creating a weekly menu. Here’s a monthly grocery budget for the average family. Check back later today to see my grocery shopping for […] Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If your budget is only $50 for the week, these qualities need to be momentarily set aside until your financial situation is more stable. Set your budget and work your grocery shop around that. The best part? text-transform: uppercase; Here’s a monthly grocery budget for the average family. Sunday is another great day to prepare any snacks we might eat throughout the week. Knowing that, I can do one of the following three things: #1 – Save that money and add it to my savings challenge, #2 – Spend that money on an extra bulk food item or staple we might be missing (i.e. I am your typical housewife living in high maintenance suburbia. We are currently working on reducing our grocery spending as a whole by cutting back ($100-$140) a month in hopes we can apply that money towards building our 3 month emergency fund. Each week I split my grocery list into two different lists: bulk grocery purchases and regular weekly groceries. You can see fairly quickly that we eat one much larger meal toward the beginning of the week to ensure that there are plenty of leftovers for lunches and at least one more meal that week. Jokes. Thankfully, they are not gluten free so I’m not tempted! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I’d need to be completely honest with you. If we went with yogurt, we would still need a snack before dinner, which would usually come in the form of a smoothie or peanut butter toast (a classic). (Some items were purchased in previous weeks in the $100 budget and are marked with an asterisk.) My grocery budget is typically $10 a day for two adults or about $300 per month. Rule #1: The Three F’s. When I actually do find the time to cook, I’m sure I spend way more than that for just the two of us within a week! The Fundamental Home Faith, Family, Food, Frugality, Grocery Budgeting June 1, 2015 August 28, 2018 Grocery Budget, Grocery Budgeting, Grocery Shopping, How I Feed My Family of 5 for $100 Every Month, Meal Plan, The Fundamental Home 44 Comments They have bread and olives for a $1. During this week, here was our plan for dinners: Monday – Slow cooker pineapple chickpea curry. With all of that in mind, you can see what a typical one-week meal plan looks like in our home. Lastly, an excellent snack for the evenings when you crave something sweet (just me?) But the peace of mind in knowing we can find a way to cut costs when times get tough is more than enough of a reason to continue to work with our spending and find solutions that save more money long-term. In this case, I’ve left all of the applicable items on the grocery lists, without a few of the staples such as garlic or brown sugar, so that you can see what a typical grocery run would look like if I needed all of the items on the list. I've found that a lot of people are really curious to know just what exactly we eat on our $200/mo. If I’m buying food for 7 … Here is a look at our scheduled meals and any links to recipes we use regularly or on a whim. As I mentioned before, our grocery budget for our family of four is $100 per week. Things like meat and cheese are things our family has majorly cut back on in order to get right with our health and our budget. Monthly Grocery Budget. We didn’t need to reduce our grocery budget. I try and feed my family with $100 a month. My grocery budget is typically $10 a day for two adults or about $300 per month. This website uses cookies and Google analytics to improve your experience with Lemon Blessings. Absolutely. What an awesome breakdown of your grocery planning. But is it still effective? What ONE strategy could you put into place this week to help you move in the right direction? Thank you so much for sharing these tips, Sarah. Ha! I made sure to track one week of grocery shopping, and exactly what we ate each day to see if I could confirm those questions. Step 1. I felt like that was a manageable number if we took the time to prepare. Keep trying and you’ll get there! I have never had to food budget for a teenage boy, so my hat is off to you. Using the same fast food standard I used above, $200 a month would only be enough for 25 meals. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Each of those meals made enough to eat one night and leftovers for two more meals (there are only two of us). You may also notice that most of the items listed below contain a short ingredient list. and brown rice. Apples are best sliced and covered with lemon juice to last, and carrots are another affordable and accessible option to prep. Those items are only used for lunchtime purposes and are not accessed at other times. If you’ve been spending a lot more than this amount each and every week, this process will take time to hone. Besides yeast, usually everyone has everything to make a batch of bread. Sunday is another great day to prepare any snacks we might eat throughout the week. Don’t worry, I’ve included our own menu below so that you can get a good idea of all the things I plan for. Go meat-free more often. Here's our frugal menu plan for the last two weeks. On the off chance that we didn’t have enough leftovers or weren’t keen for whatever we had previously, the backup option would always be yogurt, granola and fruit, with a side of carrots. Using that strategy, I’ve included the items in this current weekly meal plan on my bulk grocery list below. On Sunday, I baked some homemade three-ingredient banana-oat muffins to eat for breakfast with some apple or banana on the side. If I can look through my cupboards and note that we are fully stocked on ALL of the basics (I try not to over-purchase), then I’ll save it completely, but knowing that prices might rise for food items and next month might come with additional expenses, I do my best not to run out of everything at once. Ever wonder how much you should spend on groceries? Divide that monthly number by 4 to get your weekly grocery budget. I have one more saving tip. Sticking to our grocery budget is the hardest part. How we spend $100 on groceries a week. You can see that IF WE STICK TO THE LIST we will spend $79.00 on weekly groceries. The secret is really quite simple, and you can do it, too. Will contact for more info! I have a family of 5 and we stick to a $100 per week grocery and household budget but I am always trying to cut back to $75. Due to pay cuts and the poor economy I found myself needing to slash my family's grocery budget from about $150-$200 a week, which I felt was fairly reasonable for a family of 6, to $100 a week. With the help of coupons, gardening and bartering I am able to squeeze the most out of our grocery budget and still manage to have a little fun along the way. Wednesday – Homemade lasagna and garlic bread. Whether it’s for one season or one year, let us take meal planning off your to-do list so you can focus on feeding your family healthy food without spending a lot of money! The food budget can be a large part of your spending each month, but it doesn’t have to be, especially if you are in the early stages of paying off debt. On average, we were spending around $500 each month on groceries for our family of three. Let’s run through the process start to finish, and see if we can uncover any secrets. Pro-tip: the recipe calls for fresh pineapple, but canned works and tastes just as good. I have a handsome husband, 2 kids and a flock of pet chickens. is frozen blueberries with a dash of heavy cream. Yearly grocery budget for two: $2820 (The above total does not include the stockpile budget of $240 per year or $20 per month.) These cookies do not store any personal information. The average cost of food per month for one person ranges from $150 to $300, depending on age. I split it with her and cut the remainder in 3 small roasts! We have also planted many fruit trees. Pick One Thing to Cut. Not only is it fast, but it’s also versatile because you can choose so many different versions. Thank you! Pick One Thing to Cut. At the end of the day, it’s all about preparation, enjoyment and relaxation. Let me know if you want the recipes! Way too much for just the two of us. Our former grocery budget was $80 a week which we have recognized at this time with the two of us and a baby needed to be increased to $100 a week. One, it tastes incredible. But it didn’t actually happen like that. On alternating days, we would have oatmeal with frozen fruit and milk. Check out my review here for more details. I’ve gone ahead and put the average price we pay for each item so that you can see what we will spend on those items. Here is my $50 grocery budget. See what we’re eating this week with a $100 grocery budget. Sometimes I have been known to call a friend and ask if if they would like half…ie pork roast for $1/pound but it was in 20 pound packages. Related Posts. My hubby and I really wanted to save more this year. 1. color: black; Seeing co-workers, friends, and family members lose their jobs has become so common, it’s hard not to assume you’ll be next. The Fundamental Home Faith, Family, Food, Frugality, Grocery Budgeting June 1, 2015 August 28, 2018 Grocery Budget, Grocery Budgeting, Grocery Shopping, How I Feed My Family of 5 for $100 Every Month, Meal Plan, The Fundamental Home 44 Comments Ibotta – Earn cash back from your grocery receipts. Share & Help Me GrowNext week, I am going to provide you with 6 weeks worth of dinner menus that will help you keep your grocery budget low. I love the idea of splitting meat with others if you can’t use it all. That makes a total of $700 for food. If you're actually hoping to save those dollars, … Required fields are marked *. CHECK OUT OUR COMMON QUESTIONS SERIES - Video #1- WHAT ABOUT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES- Thanks for watching! apparently my shopping habits are a big outlier after all. Learn More. Is it always easy? In addition to that, they add an applesauce cup or a yogurt pouch for their “snack”. An easy meal we often reach for is homemade. Then you have to actually stick to the list when you head to the grocery store. Our kids are in school all day, meaning they don’t eat lunch at home. I’m sure you’re thinking that a $100/week (or $400 a month) budget is impossible for two people, let alone three. Occasionally, if we know we have a little extra in the budget or are interested in substituting for another item, Justin and the girls will pick out a box of cereal to split. We have a few staple family meals and backup options on hand (like Kraft Dinner) in case the day doesn’t go as planned, but otherwise, it’s been a successful way to control our spending. Here are my best tips for creating a cheap, healthy meal plan for the week (to feed two adults and two kids) based on a budget of $100, plus inexpensive recipe ideas to try for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. According to. There are affiliate links in this post. Considering the USDA’s most recent cost of food report pegs even the cheapest grocery budget around $190 per person a month (and goes all the way up to $370 a month!) We will keep on trying to save more and just….. When I started working full time about four years ago, we decided to make the concept of creating lunches simple enough so the girls could do it themselves (with supervision, of course). And don't miss the shopping list below! This is how I make a small food budget work in a city as expensive as Manhattan. We grow a large garden and I freeze or can the fruits and veggies to eat all year. If you’ve been budgeting for any period of time, it’s likely that you’ve noticed a trend. We sat at $250 for the two of us for so long, I wasn’t sure that there was anything left for us to lose. I do have a grocery list, but we always shop for more products (not on the list). For us, it’s been learning to cut back in case the loss of one — or both — of our incomes become our reality, too. Stick to the list. Wow that’s a tough challenge! MENU PLAN. But, at one point, our monthly food budget was even under $300 each month! If you haven’t noticed by now, our family has quite the sweet tooth. We budget an average of $100 a month for eating out (more on this later). Now, we tend to incorporate dill pickles (a true favorite) or some air popped corn as a dessert item if there isn’t anything sweet in the house at the time. This lets me know exactly how much I’ll be spending before I even go to the grocery store. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. […] Reply. Don’t worry, we incorporate those into occasional dinner meals (and sometimes even lunches). So for 10 bucks I had 3 large crockpot meals…sweet and sour pork, pork carnitas and pork roast with carrots and potatoes. But, it’s always been a goal of ours to buy most of our produce frozen. Obviously, minor adjustments will be made, but this is very close to actual. My parents were super frugal, so here are just a few things I learned from that experience. My family of three eats delicious, healthy meals on a grocery budget of $100 a week, with enough leftovers for lunch. In the end, I spent $105.53 on groceries in the month of June: only $5.53 over my goal budget (which I consider a budgetary victory)! grocery budget. 5 Minute Healthy Dinner Hacks; $100 Organic Costco Shopping List ; 30 Healthy Meals to Make in a Hotel Room; Cut back on protein. Lastly, an excellent snack for the evenings when you crave something sweet (just me?) From this exercise in self-control with grocery spending, I realized the importance of taking stock of what ingredients I already have on-hand and then taking the time to properly plan recipes around those ingredients for the week ahead. I’m talking eight to ten servings with rice and lasts in your fridge for up to three days. At $50 a week, you’re spending $200 a month on groceries. This slow cooker meal is, by far, my favorite meal to make for a few reasons. 12 years – and 3 kids – after our $25/week season, this is how we eat in our family: Mostly organic or local (grass-fed, free-range) meat; Mostly organic or local or grass-fed dairy (it’s hard to find all 3 without spending A LOT); Nearly all organic or local fruits and vegetables; Moderately gluten-free (we have an intolerance in our family) Here are a few of my favorite tactics we used to keep grocery costs low. So, the quest for a food budget under $100 begins. Here are some tips to help you stay within your budget. Your email address will not be published. Stick to the list! I’m talking eight to ten servings with rice and lasts in your fridge for up to three days. We do this for health benefits and longevity of freshness, but as an added benefit, the lower cost. Get Your 5-Day Achieve Your Goals Course FREE. But, in order to keep your weekly grocery budget to a minimum, you need to keep a pantry stocked with certain items. Yearly grocery budget for two: $2820 (The above total does not include the stockpile budget of $240 per year or $20 per month.) So, after looking at our spending habits in the first few months of 2020, I knew that the first and most comfortable place to save money was on groceries. However, assuming you meant non-food items, it seems very presumptuous to suggest that 10% of $100 for a week's groceries for a family of five … To end the week with even more dairy, we decided to make our favorite macaroni and cheese recipe. Creating the List. The first snack I made after the breakfast muffins were some peanut butter protein balls. This prevents impulse shopping or … Specifically, one of the hardest parts of creating a budget and actually sticking to it is setting and keeping a grocery budget. I’m sure you’re thinking that a $100/week (or $400 a month) budget is impossible for two people, let alone three. Not only do they stay cold until they get to lunchtime, but they act as a cold pack for any other refrigerated food. the recipe calls for fresh pineapple, but canned works and tastes just as good. MENU PLAN. Aside from the protein balls, I cut up all of our remaining fruits and vegetables not used for dinners so that they were easy to grab. My grocery bill that week was $109 and I didn’t do any follow-up shopping. P.S. An easy meal we often reach for is homemade meatballs and brown rice. I try and feed my family with $100 a month. It’s just plain easier (and cheaper) to have a simple breakfast during our already busy mornings. I’m in Eastern Washington, and I do agree – depending on where you live the cost of food and other living expenses can be higher! (Until I did the math for the purpose of this article, I didn't realize just how small that budget is.) With the help of coupons, gardening and bartering I am able to squeeze the most out of our grocery budget and still manage to have a little fun along the way. One of the most crucial things you can learn to do with your money is to learn to adapt to change. I’m hopeful that amount might give those of you with larger families a bit of an idea of how to manipulate this budget to work for you. 1. We grow a large garden and I freeze or can the fruits and veggies to eat all year. Our grocery budget is for food items only. We eat really healthy food and overall we feel happy about this lifestyle. Great ideas for my son and his weekly shopping. in my grocery budget. (Also, this is a good reason why, if you have something you want to hear about on the Lemon Blessings’ blog, you make sure to email me on any of my social media channels! You can shop less, avoid waste, bulk-buy specials, etc. Currently we are following a CAD$100 grocery budget per month (this is for two people, we don’t have children yet) and it’s turning quite well! Typically, I go with the third option. I know it seems like one day we just woke up and had a $200 grocery budget. If I’ve followed all of the above steps, the total amount should come in under the $100 total I have budgeted for the week. The grocery budget is for food and food only. The best part? However, these national averages vary based on where you live and the quality of your food purchases. Make a list: I make a list with all of the items I need beforehand. The best way to purchase pantry […] Not only can you top with any sauce you’d like, but a natural addition to the bowl is also some frozen vegetables with spices. This drastically reduces my food expenses. Check out my review here for more details. Due to my own dietary restrictions, I have a green protein smoothie each morning with spinach, mixed berries, almond milk, and meal replacement powder. If you want, you can use my FREE grocery list templates (find them HERE). Our $150 Weekly Grocery Budget. In our home, we have a separate area (and large clear tub) for lunch items such as chips, crackers, and applesauce containers. No going out to eat! Considering I maybe eat out at most three meals each week, that $100 has to get me between 60 and 80 meals each month if I am to eat three meals daily. Now that you generally know how we cut costs, there are two main questions: what do we eat, and is it enough food to keep everyone full and happy? Spending $50 per week on groceries means your total food budget is $7.14 a day. One of my favorite meals and a staple for our entire family is breakfast for dinner. People are consuming far more protein than necessary these days, especially when it comes to animal proteins.. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all that you share with us. Actionable strategies to get you on the road to success personally, professionally, and financially. It doesn’t matter WHERE you shop, so much as the fact that you HAVE your list in hand and will STICK TO IT. We eat mostly vegetarian. I have a handsome husband, 2 kids and a flock of pet chickens. background-color: #f7e86e; First, here is our grocery list: This grocery list includes everything you’d need to recreate our week of meals and snacks. (During the months with 5 weeks we just make it work) Take the time to go through your pantry, fridge, and freezer and ensure you don’t already have items to make meals on your list. Did you enjoy this post? Want your own printable list to do the same? Use this low-budget healthy meal plan as inspiration to make the most of your grocery budget without sacrificing taste or variety! It would also leave us with an emergency cash flow of $100 each month to do one or two take-out nights as well (if we want). to reduce our grocery budget. Not only can you top with any sauce you’d like, but a natural addition to the bowl is also some frozen vegetables with spices. Like this story? Though now I’m intrigued and wonder what I’d put on my own menu if I did this…. There often isn’t a ton of leftovers, but this week was especially the case as we had only bought enough ground beef to split between the meatballs and lasagna for the following evening. WATCH: How to Meal-Prep a Week of Healthy Lunches for Less Than $20. Now that we’ve completed our grocery shopping, I make sure to add up not only our regular grocery purchases but the amount that we spent (per week) on bulk purchases. That’s a great idea, Beverly. You’ll see that I’ve included the (average) prices for each item and then split them by the number of weeks those items will be used. 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